Well-known member
Arh crossed posts gotcha now .Nope. Maybe I’m not explaining it well.
The generator powers a big battery charger and nothing else.
The inverter powers the air conditioning units, and is powered off the battery.
The battery is used as a ‘store’ of energy that smooths out the peaks and troughs of your energy consumption. When the demand is high the battery supplements the amount of power the generator can provide, when the demand is low the battery absorbs the surplus energy.
No problems with generator shutting down because it’s effectively only powering a battery charger.
No problems with brownouts because you always have nice clean power coming from the inverter, which can handle huge surge loads (such as a motor starting up) much better than a genset.
As you know from post earlier my sparky simplified my boat by essentially reducing the power demand of the kit that uses AC so the tiny geny copes . Also I think maxing out on the chargers speed to keep the bat ( conventional lead acid ) up .
Leaving bags of shore power headroom as well .
Returning to the original Q I still think if the ops gonna spend extended time away from shore power prefer space permitting two smaller genys over one massive one .Even ( new build rules ) if the specc ing of the batts and wire ing configuration was as you suggest.
leaving the second as redundancy or as I suggested on a switchable doing something else say powering a dive compressor or what have you .