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The report on the consultation on harbour limits is now published. There's also a new newsletter from OCHDA (Oban Community Harbour Development Association).
A trifle unfair? Slaloming a ferry in and out of the north channel with mafis (they don't seem to use sails) trying to commit suicide under their bows must be difficult. Their ability to pick their way through the WHYW fleet is a joy to see with full stops on occasion and they have been known to wait while the SIPR fleet clears the bay.Looks OK. But will the new authority have the powers and courage to do something about CalMacs captains?
Mafis? New acronym or spell check gone wrong?A trifle unfair? Slaloming a ferry in and out of the north channel with mafis (they don't seem to use sails) ...
Mafis? New acronym or spell check gone wrong?
Of course, but their bland indifference the existing rules doesn't help. We played a game two years ago called "Let's spot the CalMac ferry using the agreed routes to the north entrance". And then their is their determination to avoid making agreed calls on the right channels.A trifle unfair? Slaloming a ferry in and out of the north channel with mafis (they don't seem to use sails) trying to commit suicide under their bows must be difficult.
I don't understand your beef. 2 years ago the route from the Station Pier was 'tween the Scrat north cardinal and the Corran Ledge east cardinal with a dog-leg out past the Barber's Pole. I can't see that there was much latitude for variation.Of course, but their bland indifference the existing rules doesn't help. We played a game two years ago called "Let's spot the CalMac ferry using the agreed routes to the north entrance". And then their is their determination to avoid making agreed calls on the right channels.
Their ship handling skills are fine but their social consciences are sadly lacking.
Like causing damage to moored boats by speeding in Oban Bay?Looks OK. But will the new authority have the powers and courage to do something about CalMacs captains?
The guide I had is on the boat, but it was west of the north entrance that the issues arose.I don't understand your beef. 2 years ago the route from the Station Pier was 'tween the Scrat north cardinal and the Corran Ledge east cardinal with a dog-leg out past the Barber's Pole. I can't see that there was much latitude for variation.
You could always dive for coins thrown by tourists or perhaps sell tins of shortbread and kilty piper dolls.I was wondering whether there may be an opportunity for vessels who just happen to be passing - say something like a 30ft Motorsailor, to act as water taxis if they were passing an anchored cruise ship and nip people into Oban fer a spot of shopping for a small consideration - just as a variation frae the normal routine, d'ye see?
I believe they have tried to wriggle out of incidents by claiming that the Sound of Mull is a "narrow channel".Having travelled CalMac from Oban a fair bit, I thought they were using a very liberal version of the 'vessel constrained...' Colregs. (I omit 'by draught' deliberately, as I suspect they do...!) We have a similar situation with the Frightlink Ferries here in the Solent, who can have a VERY liberal interpretation of 'stand on vessel' rights over anything smaller! I speak from personal experience.
great answerCalmac run 34 (or thereabouts) ferries on the west coast, all running to a timetable. I make that at least 102 masters and on the basis that 5% of the population are twats (in the Scottish sense), though with Brexit that seems a gross underestimate, that gives a 1:20ish chance of a "memorable" encounter. Just as bus drivers and taxi drivers get a bad rep based on the actions of a few so it seems Calmac masters get the tar brush too. However, consider if each ferry voyage encounters just a couple of leisure sailors and the 5% rule holds true, how jaundiced must be their view of MAFIs and WAFIs? Personally, I remember the acts of civility and consideration shown which far out-weigh any negative encounters ..... except for those bloody Dunoon/Gourock jumped up lorry drivers!
Meanwhile back in Oban, we should be relieved CMAL lost out and there is an opportunity for all of us to contribute and influence the outcome. Ask not what Oban Harbour Board can do for you, but you for it.
Indeed! They are looking for funding to get the Trust established. Send an email to info@ochda.scot if you've got any loose change you need to get rid of.Meanwhile back in Oban, we should be relieved CMAL lost out and there is an opportunity for all of us to contribute and influence the outcome. Ask not what Oban Harbour Board can do for you, but you for it.
great answeri have never had any other issues with Calmac.
I've noticed the same when crossing to Mull! lol... I also use Western ferries to Dunoon and it always amazes me their willingness to keep the service running in all weathers! For some reason when the weather gets very bad they go across in reverse!!The only issues I’ve had with them is as a passenger - they are becoming bigger pussies as years go by.... they turn back on a wee breeze of wind and a bit of swell nowadays.... must be getting paid by the mile.