Notices to Mariners - Week 5


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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UKHO Permanent/Temporary/Preliminary

1. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. -
Twelve reductions of depth in and around the Long Sand Head. The reductions indicate the Long Sand Head continues to extend to the North-East. A transit between the Long Sand Head north cardinal and the Black Deep port hand buoy will still be fine but when coming from the north, do not cut off the Long Sand Head direct to the Black Deep port hand buoy.
2. NETHERLANDS - Depths. - Four reductions of depth around the Geul van de Banjaard channel (the channel north to and from the Oosterschelde).
3. ENGLAND - East Coast - Works. - This preliminary notice is solely to ‘tidy-up’ old changes to the relevant SNC and SCCs removing the symbol for the Kingsnorth Power Station (which had been removed several years ago).
4. BELGIUM - Wreck. Virtual aid to navigation. - This temporary Notice is a repeat of NtN 2320 of 2019, re-issued to update the new UKHO Small Craft Charts. The subject is a dangerous wreck marked by a Virtual AIS mark. This is between the Bergues S and Bergues on the other edge of the NE going TSS past the Ruytingen. I have used the ENC ATON icon in the image.
5. BELGIUM - Buoy. - The north cardinal buoy marking two obstn off the coast west of Oostende has been temporarily moved.
6. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. Drying heights. Light. - Preliminary notice providing details of 6 reductions of depth and three new drying heights in and around the channel leading to the New Cut to Boston. The channel is significantly shallow. Change of light characteristics on the important Tabs Head beacon. New charts promised early this year.

Full details and images showing the changes can be found at Notices to Mariners.


Mariners are advised that the East Margate Buoy, which is indicated on the chartlet (see the Local List in the above quoted web page)below, has sustained damage and is unlit. In particular, the buoy’s top mark is missing entirely. Trinity House have been informed and are expected to arrange rectification.
2. RIVER THAMES - NORTHFLEET HOPE -TILBURY LOCK GATE WORK - contractors will be carrying out works to the lock gates in Tilbury Lock. These works will involve heavy lifting operations and operatives working on the waterline, amongst other activities. The operations will be taking place between 23:59 on the 21st January and 06:00 on the 25th January 2023, and will be conducted continuously throughout this time period, both by day and night. Requests for vessels to proceed with caution or to pass at slow speed will be made by London VTS on VHF ch.68, in accordance with the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, under ‘London VTS’, section 4. During times where this is applicable, international signals flags ROMEO YANKEE will be displayed on or near the works where they will be visible to vessels. In the interests of safety, it may be necessary, at certain times, for vessels to proceed with caution or to pass at slow speed when navigating in the vicinity of the these works, in order to reduce the effects of vessel wash and draw off.
3. Harwich Haven Channel Deepening Project: Temporary Buoy Moves – Update 4
The planned buoy moves previously referred to in Notice to Mariners 03-2023 Temporary Buoy Moves - Update 3 have been completed. The following navigation buoys in Table A are now back in their assigned positions. Table B below shows the buoys which are still in their temporary positions, approximately 50 m outside the channel toe lines. The buoys in table B will be moved back to their designated positions once the dredging in that area is completed. A Notice to Mariners will be issued when the buoys are relocated. Notice to Mariners 03-2023: Temporary Buoy Moves – Update 3 is now withdrawn. For detailed information regarding this operation, please contact Harwich VTS (VHF 71) or listen to the daily Channel Deepening VHF broadcasts (VHF 11). (see full lat/long positions in the Local List in the above quoted web page).
4. Kings Lynn - Fisher Fleet Flushes January - the anticipated dates and times for the Fishing Fleet at King’s Lynn are as follows:
23rd January 1130-1300
24th January 12:30-1400
25th January 1300-14:30
All masters of fishing vessels in the Fleet are instructed to ensure that adequate lines are used as normal during spring tide flushes. Flushes will be carried out with an approx. dock level of 7.0m.
5. East Coast of England - The Wash, King’s Lynn Harbour - River Great Ouse – A47 Bridge Underwater Operations. - Mariners are advised that underwater operations are to be carried out on the River Great Ouse at King’s Lynn in the vicinity of the A47 Bridge on the following dates and times. • W/C 23-01-23 to 17-02-23. • Works to be carried out 24 hours per day. Underwater operations will be carried out by Multicat vessel “Jamie D”. The vessel will be “Restricted in her Ability to Manoeuvre” and a wide berth is requested at all times. Workboat “Mariana K” will be on station to support manoeuvres and to assist in the safe transfer of personnel. A dedicated safety vessel “SBS Hunter” will be on the river at all times to maintain a safe watch and to direct any marine traffic. SBS Hunter can be contacted on VHF CH 14 & 16. Mariners are requested to navigate with caution in the vicinity when these operations are underway.
6. The Wash - Approaches to King’s Lynn - Amendment to Buoyage - due to changes in the profile of the approach channel to King’s Lynn, the following amendments to buoyage shall be carried on or about 23rd January 2023:
No.13 light buoy to be moved approx 110 metres x 245° to 52° 52’.020N 000°21’.540E
No.14 light buoy to be moved approx 150 metres x 245° to 52° 51’.685N 000°21’.320E
No.17 light buoy to be moved approx 50 metres x 280° to 52° 51’.470N 000°20’.960E
No.16 light buoy to be moved approx 80 metres x 295° to 52° 51’.355N 000°21’.050E
No.19 light buoy to be moved approx 200 metres x 340° to 52° 51’.290N 000°20’.920E
Works will be carried out by the work boat “St Edmund”. All passing craft are requested to pass at minimum speed whilst the “St Edmund” is conducting buoying operations.”. Please contact the St Edmund via VHF ch 14, or Harbour Office, for further information.
7. Flow Gauging - RIVER COLNE, ESSEX - 23rd January – 24th January 2023 - Exo Environmental Ltd has scheduled to gauge the flow of the river Colne on the 23rd and 24th January 2023. The two sites will be marked by a yellow or orange guard buoy. The coordinates of sites are provided in Table 1, a satellite map in figure 1 and the chart locations are shown in Figure 2 in the Local List in the above quoted web page.
A King Edward Quay 51.873825 0.93742473 (that is oppsite the visitors pontoon)
B Fieldgate Quay 51.879147 0.93014181 (sort of half way twixt the King Edward and Rowhedge)
8. River Crouch - Dredging Operation – Essex Marina - Essex Marina will be undertaking Maintenance Dredging Operations in the approach to and within Essex Marina, Wallasea Island, Essex, between approximately 23rd January 2023 through to the 24th February 2023. Dredging Operations will be carried out by Tug ASSASSIN who will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channels 16 and 11. Caution should be taken when entering and leaving the Marina whilst Dredging Operations are in progress. For additional information please contact: Essex Marina

That's it.