Notices to Mariners - Week 41


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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UKHO Permanent/Preliminary/Temporary notices:
1. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. Wreck. -
This preliminary notice is updating an early preliminary NtM (3054(P)/24 in week 27). The earlier notice reported two reduced depths on the south side of the Margate Hook (out of the way of the Gore Channel) but now adds a wreck east of the SE Margate cardinal buoy. At 7.2m, unlikely to hinder leisure craft – unless anchoring of course!
2. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. - 5 reduced depths in the Medway Approach Channel and the Secondary Channel which includes a significant contour adjustment of 5m. All reduced depths are in excess of 5m so leisure craft are unlikely to be hindered.
3. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. - A preliminary notice adding 9 reduced depths in the vicinity of Lowestoft and the Approaches to 5 reduced depths further north in preliminary NtM 4389(P)/24. The reductions affect the top end and eastern side of the Newcombe Sands, the Lowestoft South Road and the Barnard. I would suggest using the Barnard and Lowestoft South Road is essential reading. See images in conjunction with NtM 4389(P) in week 39.
4. ENGLAND - East Coast - Wreck. - Adjustment of depth over a wreck in the Yantlet northern secondary channel adjacent to the Sea Reach 4 North. Unlikely to hinder leisure craft – or where we ought to be!
1. Ipswich - End to Restricted Lock Operations -
engineering works are completed on the Ipswich Lock Gates. The lock will now run as previously as an on-demand service for all users.
2. Rill Clearance works at Foulness Island – 07 Oct to 01 Nov 24 - - The works are being undertaken by QinetiQ to reconnect the sluice pipes to the river channel so that when repair works are completed on the sluice structures and the sluices are operational again water will flow
correctly on and off the island. - Clearance works will take place Mon – Fri during the time period using amphibious excavators. - The excavators will enter and exit the channel from land adjacent to sluice 8 and will remain on land out of working periods. - Works will be conducted during the low tide each day at one location at a time and only out as far as the low tidal water mark, i.e., on the silt and not into the river centre. - All works are in line with the MMO licence and includes full rescue and recovery support on Foulness Island.
3. River Medway – Saltpan Reach - BP Isle of Grain Jetty No.1 – Dredging Operations - dredging operations will be taking place at BP Isle of Grain Jetty No.1 between 10th September 2024 and 6th October 2024. Dredging will be focussed on the berth box area of IOG.1 and will be conducted by the water injection dredger “Aquadelta” who will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 74 at all times. “Aquadelta” will be restricted in her ability to manoeuvre whilst dredging and will display the relevant signals by day and night. All vessels passing BP IOG. No1 Jetty should navigate with caution, maintain a listening watch on VHF Ch.74 at all times and reduce speed and wash accordingly.
4. River Medway – Saltpan Reach - Grain LNG Jetty No.8 – Dredging Operations - dredging operations will be taking place at Grain LNG Jetty No.8, dredging is expected to commence on or around 4th October 2024 and will be carried out over 2 tides with completion expected by 11th October 2024 depending on operational availability. Dredging will be focussed on the berth box area of LNG Jetty 8 and will be conducted by the water injection dredger “Aquadelta” who will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 74 at all times. “Aquadelta” will be restricted in her ability to manoeuvre whilst dredging and will display the relevant signals by day and night.
5. River Medway - Rochester Road Bridge - Under-Bridge Inspection Work - a programme of “under-bridge” inspection work is due to take place on the new and service bridges at Rochester. The road bridges will be inspected between 14th October 2024 and 25th October 2024 Incl. Inspection works over the river will be undertaken using an underbridge unit similar to the one below, deployed from the carriageway above and have been planned to be completed as follows:
14th & 15th Oct – Old Ships Passage
16th & 17th Oct – Strood Span
18th Oct: contingency for above locations.
21st and 22nd Oct – Centre Span
23rd and 24th Oct – Rochester Span
25th – Contingency for above.
The contractor is working in collaboration with Medway Council/Volker to utilise their traffic management for other works and the works will be restricted to daytime hours between 09:30 and 15:30 on the above dates. A safety boat, callsign “Zero” will be on station during inspection periods who will maintain a listening watch on VHF CH. 74 at all times. Bridge spans will be closed to navigation during respective inspection work periods as detailed above and will be specified by a manual closure sign suspended from the bridge. All vessels needing to transit Rochester bridge during this period should do so with caution and check the status of works before proceeding.
6. River Medway – Saltpan Reach - Discontinuation of Mooring Buoys - Saltpan No.1 and No.2 mooring buoys have been discontinued, the riser chains for both buoys have been lowered to the seabed and will not be recovered. The UKHO have been informed of the change which will be reflected in future Admiralty Notice to Mariners. Until the respective admiralty charts have been updated to denote the foul area, mariners are advised not to anchor in the vicinity of the mooring buoys currently shown on the chartlet.
7. London Array Wind Farm - Jack-Up Ziton Wind Server - the Jack-up Vessel “Wind Server” provided by Ziton, estimated on site from 27/09/2024 until approximately 08/11/2024 to carrying out Heavy lift Component exchanges at various locations throughout the windfarm.
Jack-Up Vessel Ziton Wind Server has a length of 79.6m, breadth of 32.2m with a draft of 7.4m. Equipment will be periodically deployed and suspended from the vessel crane during jack up operations. A 500m radius restricted zone will be in place, centred on the Ziton Wind Server whilst pinned on location. If access is required to this zone for non-project vessel traffic, authorisation must be requested from the vessel master. The vessel will be supported by CTV’s Windcat 21, 27, 29, 36, 39 and Spectrum 2 as required during its time on
site at London Array.
8 - 11 - Sizewell C Harbour - Surveys, Wind gauge buoy etc. There are four notices from Sizewell Harbour advising that surveys and other works will be undertaken variously for the next 5 weeks. Each notice provides details of the areas and a chartlet is available. Sizewell C Harbour doesn't exist as a physical structure, rather a defined area out to sea over which it has authority. If passing, well worth to see the Notices.

All notices and chartlets can be seen at: Notices to Mariners. Call up the Local list for the latter.

That's it.


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
Visit site
This just posted by Harwich:

Sunken Yacht – Shotley Marina Waiting Pontoon
A 30ft yacht has sunk on the Shotley Marina waiting pontoon outside the marina lock, which is now
out-of-use until further notice. Mariners are advised to navigate with extra caution in this area due to
reports of debris and seek further advice from Shotley Marina lock control before approaching.

That will be sad. I hope everybody was/is ok.