Notices to Mariners - Week 38


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5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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UKHO Permanent/Preliminary/Temporary notices and Trinity House notices:

1. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. -
Two slight, isolated reductions of depth in the River Thames; one close west of the Thames Barrier, the second east of the O2 arena in Bugsby Reach. Unlikely to hinder leisure craft. Two images. (see images and full detail at Notices to Mariners)
Trinity House advises that they have moved the SW Barrow west cardinal buoy to the south west (to 51° 31.950’N., 000° 59.900’E.). This reflects the continual tailing of the West Barrow sand. See the detail and image as above.


On or about 24th September 2022, marine contractors working on behalf of Fords will be undertaking plough dredging operations at Fords Jetty Dagenham, which will take approximately six-weeks. SOPHIA-D will undertake plough dredging in the dredge area as detailed below in the chart extract. Dredge operations will take place during daylight hours for approximate six hours per day on the ebb tide, which is subject to change due to operational requirements and tidal windows. The dredge vessel should display lights and signals as per the International Regulations for Prevention of Collision at Sea (27). Requests for vessels to proceed with caution or pass at slow speed will be made by London VTS on VHF ch.68, in accordance with the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, under ‘London VTS’, section 4. During times where this is applicable, the vessels invovled in the operation should display ‘RY’ signals. Further details will be broadcast by London VTS on VHF Channel 14.
2. Lowestoft – Outer Harbour - Sladdens Pier – Piling Operations from Jack Up Barge - construction activity – piling operations – are scheduled to commence around Sladdens Pier, commencing on or shortly after Tuesday 6th September. Duration of works for this phase of the construction is approximately 3 weeks. Working hours are anticipated to be Mon – Fri 0700hrs to 1900hrs, with options for Saturdays 0700hrs to 1300hrs. Works will be carried out using the Jack up barge Haven Seariser 3 assisted by tugs Taska 1 and TM Star for movements and barge positioning. The barge will be undertaking piling work along the entire seaward face of the Pier. During working hours pontoon barge ‘Seastabler’ will be moored outboard of the jack up. On most days, outside of working hours, the Seastabler will return to it’s mooring on the South loadout berth, former SLP site. If the Seastabler is to be moored outboard of the Jack up barge overnight, the barge will be suitably illuminated.
The barge working positions, provides sufficient space in the navigational channel for smaller commercial, fishing and leisure vessels to safely navigate past. Should a large commercial vessel movement be anticipated close to the works area, then the barge will be moved as required. Figure 1 shows the area of works, figure 2 shows planned positions of the barges during works. This is the first phase of the works. A new notice will be issued detailing works and barge positions when the next phase of works is planned.
3. PORT OF GREAT YARMOUTH - Third River Crossing Construction Update (5) - works remain ongoing at both bridge cofferdams. The walkway access on the West cofferdam is expected to be removed around mid–September 2022. During the removal a workboat will be operating in the vicinity of the West cofferdam. Mariners are advised to exercise caution and maintain an efficient lookout; and pass at a safe speed to avoid risk to persons and property. The workboat will maintain a listening watch on VHF Ch12 while work is underway. The East cofferdam walkway will remain in place, and will be lit by downward floodlighting during hours of darkness and restricted visibility.
Mariners should contact ‘Yarmouth Radio’ on VHF Ch12 or tel. +44 (0)1493 335511 for further information.
4. LONDON ARRAY WINDFARM - survey work on the Wind Farm and the export cables - The Geosurveyor XI will be conducting survey operations along the Export cable and into the field as per Notice to Mariners Blue transmission London array NtM001 issued 30/08/2022, for approximately 7 days - but the vessel is still working today.

See the Local list in the above quoted web page for full detailsa and images of the Local notices.

That's it.