Notices to Mariners - week 38 - Part 2, the Locals


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5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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Couldn't even count; there are 19!

1. River Thames - Gravesend Reach Hydrographic Operations - on or about Monday 9th Sept, 2024 hydrographic operations will be undertaken within the vicinity of Gravesend reach. Works are to take place during daylight hours only and expected to take no longer than 14 days. The chartlet shows the general location of the works and the planned survery paths , indicated by the red box. Operations will be undertaken by vessel “MAPLIN” with works including the towing of sonar equipment, approximately 60m in length with planned works to include the crossing of the authorised channel. Due to the nature of works, “MAPLIN” will be restricted in her ability to manoeuvre and will display relevant day shapes where necessary. Requirements to proceed with caution or at slow speed will be made in accordance with the procedure set
out in the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide under ‘London VTS’, ‘Section 4’, with the International Code Flags ‘Romeo Yankee’ displayed. The vessel is required to display lights and signals as per the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea and maintain a listening watch on VHF channel 68. For the latest information, contact London VTS on VHF channel 68 or telephone 01474 562215.
2. River Thames - Dredging Operations Oikos Jetty No.1 - on or about Thurs 19th September 2024 contractors instructed by Oikos Storage Ltd. will commence dredging operations for Oikos No. 1 Jetty. The general location of the works is indicated by the red box on the chartlet.
These dredging operations will be carried out by the Water Injection Dredging method and will be conducted during ebb tides only. The area to be dredged comprises the Oikos No. 1 Jetty berth box as well as the rear, clearance channel and the approach / transit area to the berth. The dredging is expected to be completed by 30th Sept.
3. River Thames - Margaretness Hydrographic Operations - on or about Monday 16th September 2024 hydrographic operations will be undertaken within the vicinity of Margaretness. Survey operations will last for approximately 5 days, during daylight hours only. The chartlet shows the general location of the works, along with expected survey running lines. Operations will be carried out from vessel MAPLIN towing a streamer of about 60 meters in length, and at times, may be navigating against the prevailing direction of traffic flow. Due to the nature of her work, MAPLIN will be restricted in ability to manoeuvre and will display the lights and shapes as prescribed in Rule 27 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 - Three black shapes in a vertical line the highest and lowest of which are balls and the middle one a diamond. and Three all-round lights in a vertical line the highest and lowest of which are red and the middle one white.
4 River Thames - Port Health - Gravesend Reach - a section of the Pier at Port Health has been reported as damaged resulting in the remains entering the water. Mariners are advised to navigate with extreme caution, ensuring vessel wash is kept to a minimum and that an appropriate lookout is kept at all times when passing Port Health Pier. This notice will remain active until such time that the risk to navigation is no longer present, at which time it shall be removed with no further notice given. For the latest information, contact London VTS on VHF channel 68 or telephone 01474 562215.
5. River Thames - Northfleet To Gravesend Dredging Operations - On or around 5th September, contractors instructed by Port Of Tilbury will commence water injection dredging operations at Tilbury CMAT. Following that, operators will begin water injection dredging at Tilbury Lock Entrance and Bellmouth with an estimated completion date on or around 20th September 2024. Dredging activities from both vessels will only take place on ebb tides. Requirements to proceed with caution or at slow speed will be made in accordance with the procedure set
out in the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, under ‘London VTS’, ‘Section 4’, with the International Code Flags ‘Romeo Yankee’ displayed.
6. River Thames - Denton Slipways - on or about Wednesday 4th Sept, 2024 contractors instructed by the operator of Denton Slipway will carry out works on the jetty. Works are planned between the hours of 0700 and 1700 on weekdays only and expected to take no longer than 8 days. The chartlet shows the general location of the works, indicated by the red box. Crane Barge “Thames Transporter” will be situated alongside Denton Slipways, with support craft in attendance. Works will include, but not limited to, lifting operations with persons working from support craft and MEWP where necessary. To assist with the movement and positioning of the crane pontoon during these works, three number 2 tonne anchors will be laid in positions as follows - • Upstream breast anchor (offshore) - approximately 130 metres in North West Direction • Downstream Offshore anchor - approximately 130 metres in North East Direction • Downstream Onshore anchor - approximately 130 metres in South East Direction • High visibility marker buoys will be used to mark anchor positions Any requirements to proceed with caution or at slow speed, will be made in accordance with the procedures set out in the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide
7. River Thames - Neuconnect Pre-lay Works - on or about Monday 2nd September 2024, pre-lay works associated with the Neuconnect cable lay project are expected to commence along the full length of the intended route of the Neuconnect cable which is indicated on the charlet. These works comprise 1. Grapnel run, where a vessel will tow a grapnel astern along the cable route; and 2. Obstruction clearance, where a vessel will use cranes to lift obstructions (e.g. large rocks) and clear them from the cable route. The following vessels are expected to be carrying out these works: Multicat “C-HORIZON” and SV “ÁRTABRO”. Other vessel may be detailed to participate in these works, either in addition or in substitution to the above named vessels. London VTS are able to confirm to mariners which vessels are engaged in these works.
While these works are in progress, mariners are advised to navigate with caution in vicinity of the vessels performing these works, being mindful that gear may be towed astern or deployed overside. Vessels may be subject to traffic management in the interests of the safe navigation. Further information will be broadcast, as required, by London VTS. Requirements to proceed with caution or at slow speed during these operations.
8. River Thames - UXO Clearance Operations - on or about Monday 2nd September 2024, unexploded ordnance (UXO) clearance operations in support of the Neuconnect project are expected to commence. These operations will comprise the clearance of the following UXOs:
NEU_B01_MAG_0610 51° 28’.73 N 000° 44’.63 E
NEU_B01_MAG_0610_A 51° 28’.73 N 000° 44’.63 E
NEU_B01_MAG_0614 51° 28’.72 N 000° 44’.65 E
NEU_B01_MAG_0615 51° 28’.73 N 000° 44’.65 E
During a preparation and post-disposal phases, a safety zone of 100m is required around all vessels involved in the operations. This is in addition to the standing 100m safety zone around the UXO locations. During an active clearance phase, during which high or low order detonation of UXOs may be carried out, a safety zone of up to 0.55nm / ~1,000m will be required around the UXO location. London VTS will notify mariners of the upcoming commencement of an active clearance phase on at least 4 half-hourly broadcasts beforehand. Each active clearance phase will last a maximum of 60 minutes, and its commencement and termination will be declared by London VTS. No vessel, except a vessel involved in the UXO clearance operations (or, in exceptional circumstances, a vessel with the express prior consent of London VTS) is to enter inside or remain within any of the safety zones described above during the times when they are in force. In connection with these UXO clearance operations, 3 passive acoustic monitors (PAMs) will be deployed. This is around the Nore Sand. More details in the full notice can be seen in the Local list at: Notices to Mariners where all the full details and chartlest can be seen for all notices.
9. Harwich Haven - Dredging Operations – Barney is carrying out agitation dredging operations in Harwich Harbour, Felixstowe and the River Stour until further notice. Detailed dredger movements can be obtained from Harwich VTS on VHF Channel 71.

I have exceeded the 10,000 so I have split the thread into a Part 3. All chartlets can be seen in the Local List at: Notices to Mariners