Notices to Mariners - Week 36


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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UKHO Permanent/Temporary/Preliminary Notices:
1. ENGLAND - East Coast - Wreck. -
This Temporary Notice is marking the position of the sunken ketch on a mooring in Mersea Quarters, River Blackwater. The ketch is obvious in clear daylight as the masts are exposed. The ketch is NOT lit. It is understood removal was delayed because of weather conditions but will be re-scheduled. Two photographs showing the hazard is accompanied with the usual chartlet (Notices to Mariners).


On the 27th August 2023 marine ground investigation works by Causeway Geotech Ltd will continue as part of DP World London Gateway’s extension project. The works, which are in addition to those in Notice to Mariners L35-23 which remains in force, will be undertaken by Jack-up barge “HAVEN SEAJACK 1” (18m x 18m) in bore hole location 13 as marked on the chart in red (on the Local List on the above quoted web page). The JUB will remain at the location for 8 to 12 hours, during daylight hours only, with the workboat “MPV SEA DOG” in attendance for crew transfers (via “SEARIDER” an Avon SR4 RIB), supplies and to act as tug vessel for the JUB movements. A 100m exclusion zone around the JUB will be in place and all vessels are requested to keep clear. All vessels involved with the works will maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF Channel 68. For the latest information contact London VTS on VHF Channel 68.
2. River Orwell Dredging - dredging operations will be taking place in the Port of Ipswich and River Orwell. All Mariners are advised to keep clear and pass these vessels at slow speed. Both will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 68. For more information on the movements of these vessels contact Orwell Navigation Services on VHF Ch 68. Dredging operations will be carried out on the following dates:
• Sunday 27th August – Friday 1st September by UKD Orca (trailer suction hopper dredger) • Sunday 27th August – Wednesday 6th September by UKD Seahorse (plough dredger)
3. Three from Kings Lynn:
Approaches to Wisbech -
Wisbech Anchorage,”W2” lightbuoy missing. Mariners are advised that W2 light buoy (52° 54’.942N 000°16’.003E) has been reported as missing from station. A replacement buoy will be established in due course.
Please contact the Harbour Office for further information.
Approaches to Kings Lynn - Collapse of Beacon B - Beacon B (52° 49’.090N 000°21’.136E) has been severely damaged following collision by a fishing boat and is currently unlit. The area to the West of above position is to be considered as foul ground. Works to remove the beacon and establishment of a temporary buoy or beacon will be progressed and further NtMs will be issued as required. Please contact the Harbour Office for further information.
Approaches to King’s Lynn Establishment of Light Buoy “B”. - a new Light Buoy has been established on 22nd August 2023 in the following position. 52° 49.080’ N 00° 21.130’ E. The buoy will be yellow special mark buoy, designation “B”, with a flash character of Fl Y 2s . Please note that this position is approx. 20m to the south of the remains of beacon “B” base and the buoy will provide a visual indication of the foul ground area centred on: 52° 49.090’ N 00° 21.136’ E. Please contact the Harbour Office for further information.
4. Burnham Week 2023 - Burnham Week Sailing Regatta 2023 will take place between Saturday 26th August 2023 ~ Saturday 2nd September 2023 - A higher density of sailing and rowing craft are to be expected on the river during this period. Organisers of the Rowing Craft have been requested to keep the courses outside of the main Fairway and NOT use Fairway Buoys as Racing marks. Mariners are requested to be additionally vigilant and keep a good look out at all times.
River Crouch, Firework Display – Saturday 2nd September 2023. - The culmination of the 2023 Burnham Week Sailing Regatta will be marked by a firework display on the evening of Saturday 2nd September 2023 at approximately 21:00 hours with an expected duration of around fifteen minutes. The pyrotechnics will be discharged from a floating pontoon moored fore and aft centered on an approximate position of: 51° 37.42’N, 000° 48.92’E (opposite the Burnham Quayside, CHA Harbour Office). It may be necessary to alter this location on the day depending on weather conditions. There will be an exclusion zone in place centered on the position/pontoon of 200 metres. This will come into force at 20:50 ten minutes prior to commencement of display until its conclusion. Mariners are to remain outside the exclusion zone. A safety boat will be in attendance throughout the display.

C'est toutes!

Black Diamond

Active member
5 Aug 2009
West Mersea
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Thanks as usual for this, Roger. Any idea when the wreck lift is rescheduled for? Presumably before late autumn weather closes in? It's a desperately depressing sight, seaweed and flotsam hanging in someone's hopes and dreams.


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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Nobody I spoke to today knew about the plans. It is desperate and each day I am sure she fills with silt and will take a lot to lift. A lot of visitors were on adjacent moorings today; not the best view.