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UKHO Permanent/Preliminary/Temporary
1. BELGIUM - Buoyage. Scientific instruments. - This temporary Notice is placing two new Yellow special lit buoys very close to existing similar buoys either side of the Stroombank west of Ostendee (chartlet)
2. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. - One reduction of depth NE of the Sunk Inner Mark in line with the DW channel leading to the exit to Felixstowe. Unlikely to hinder leisure craft (chartlet)
3. ENGLAND - East Coast - Lights. Automatic Identification Systems. Piles. Legends. - This notice confirms the Preliminary Notice 2318(T) of last year. This marks the three Bird Nesting Structures, two off Lowestoft, the third, off Minsmere. The Notices adds AIS on all three Structures and a legend on charts. Light characteristics remain as reported last year. (2 chartlets)
4. BELGIUM - Lights. - The pair of lights either side of the entrance into Nieuwpoorte is increased to 11M. (chartlet)
5. NETHERLANDS - Buoyage. - This, a quite involved notice providing details of new buoys and moved buoys at the entrance of the Slijkgat which leads to Stellendam. The changes have added two pairs of lateral buoys. The annotations on the image is quite involved but the message is that there is a very clearly marked channel with 18 paired lateral buoys. (chartlet)
1. RIVER THAMES - SEA REACH - CALOR GAS CANVEY JETTY WORKS - from Wednesday 20th March 2024 onwards, contractors instructed by the operators of the Calor Gas Canvey terminal will re-commence works to the jetty. These works will include use of scaffolding, operatives working on the waterline and lifting operations. A safety boat will be in attendance at times during the works. These works are expected to be complete by 31st October 2024 and the general location of the works is shown by the red markings in the chartlet. Requirements to proceed with caution or at slow speed will be made in accordance with the procedures set out in the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, under ‘London VTS’, ‘Section 4’ with the International Code Flags ‘Romeo Yankee (RY)’, which are displayed. Further details will be broadcast as needed by London VTS on VHF channels 68 & 69.
2. RIVER THAMES - WOOLWICH REACH - CRANE OPERATIONS EXCLUSION - On or about Monday 25th March 2024, contractors from Ballymore will be conducting crane operations over the water at Deanston Wharf. These works will take place between the hours of 0730 and 1800 and are expected to take approximately 8 weeks. As part of these works a man basket will be used low over the water. To facilitate these works, between 0730 and 1800, all vessels shall keep well clear of the area marked on the chartlet. Further details will be broadcast by London VTS on VHF Channel 14, as required.
3. HARWICH HAVEN - Seasonal Recreational Marks - On or around 25 March 2024 the following seasonal recreational marks will be reinstated:
Pennyhole - Yellow Cone Buoy
Cork Ledge Racing Mark - Yellow Can Buoy
Armada Racing Mark - Yellow Can Buoy
Fox’s - Yellow Conical Buoy
Cobbolds Point Buoy - Green Conical Buoy
Dovercourt Bay - 6 Yellow Spherical Buoys
Shotley Horse - Yellow Pillar Buoy
Speed Limit Marker Buoy - Yellow Spherical Buoy
Beacon Hill - Yellow Can Buoy
4. HARWICH HAVEN - Surveyed Depths – Harwich Harbour - recent surveys have identified reduced depths in Harwich Harbour. The minimum depth is now 15.0m below Chart Datum in the harbour area between the Grisle Buoy and
the Babergh Buoy. See chart extract For further information (THERE IS A DOWNLOAD BUTTON IN THE LOCAL LIST IN THE BELOW QUOTED WEBPAGE. Maintenance dredging works are currently underway to restore the navigable depth and a further notice will be issued once this work has been completed. This notice replaces local notice to mariners No. 11 of 2024, which is now withdrawn. For further information contact the Harbour Master Team at Harwich Haven Authority (+44 1255 243030).
5. HARWICH HAVEN - Dredging Operations – Update 1 - dredging operations are taking place as follows:
➢ Medway (IMO: 9524152) – currently carrying out trailing suction hopper dredging operations in Harwich harbour and Felixstowe berths – now extended until approx. 11 April 2024.
➢ C-Force (IMO: 9850305) – currently carrying out plough dredging operations in the main channel near the Cross buoy and around the Beach End area. Expected to continue until approx. 1 April 2024.
➢ MTS Valour (IMO: 9407299) – expected to commence plough dredging operations on or around 30 March 2024, working around Harwich Harbour and Felixstowe berths, the River Stour and Mistley for approx. 3 weeks.
➢ Sospan Dau (IMO: 7711062) – will commence trailing suction hopper dredging on approx. 15 April 2024 for around 3 - 4 days. Maintenance dredging will be taking place in the Harwich Haven and around the Port of Felixstowe, with material disposed to the beneficial sites in the River Stour and Orwell. This dredging notice is cumulative and replaces notices No. 13 and No. 12 of 2024, which are now withdrawn.
6. River Medway – Saltpan Reach - Aids to Navigation Consultation. - Peel Ports London Medway are opening a consultation period in relation to proposed changes to some of the Aids to Navigation in Saltpan Reach. It has been identified that the current characteristics of Z1, Z2 and the Isolated Danger mark in Saltpan Reach are, in certain circumstances, inconspicuous due to other AtoN and background lighting. The following changes are being proposed and you are invited to submit any comments on this matter for the next 30 days to the following address: AllMedwayMarineManagers@peelports.com
Z1 Isolated Danger Light Buoy - Current Characteristics – Isolated Danger Light Buoy Fl W (2) 10s – TH No. N09387 51’25.792N 000’41.630E: Proposed Characteristics - Isolated Danger Light Buoy Fl W (2) 5s.
Timber Hulk Isolated Danger Light-buoy - Current Characteristics - Isolated Danger Light-Buoy Fl W (2) 5s - TH No N14724 – 51’25.564N 000’40.890E: Proposed Characteristics - Isolated Danger Light-Buoy Fl W (2) 10s.
Z2 North Cardinal Light-buoy - Current Characteristics - North Cardinal Light-buoy Q Fl - TH No N09388 – 51’25.622N 000’41.629E: Proposed Characteristics - Preferred Channel to Starboard Light-Buoy Fl R (2+1) (That will be an interesting buoy). Admiralty Chart No. 1834 refers.
7. Sheerness Docks – No.11 Berth Tug Moorings - Reduced Speed & Wash When Passing. - a recent incident occurred where 2 tugs that were moored at SD.11 berth parted their mooring lines and broke free. A contributing factor was found to be excessive wash caused by an outbound passing vessel. Both vessels were manned and the situation was managed swiftly and professionally, however, there was potential for the incident to have greater implications had circumstances been different. Whilst there is not a speed restriction on this section of the river it has been historically accepted that passing ships and craft show consideration when passing the tug moorings due their exposed location and their need to berth 2 or 3 abreast. All vessels are reminded to reduce their speed and wash accordingly when passing Sheerness No.11 berth (Photo of location).
8. Approaches to Kings Lynn. - Extinguished Navigation Mark - Charts BA 108 & 1200 - Mariners are advised that the navigation lighted beacon on the Hunstanton outfall shoreside dolphin Fl.R.3s. in position Lat 52° 55.900’N Long 000° 28.800’E.
9. Blakeney Harbour - Maintenance work has been carried out on the channel markers leading into Blakeney Harbour for the 2024 season.
OUTER CHANNEL MARKERS - The harbour entrance has continued to grow in an easterly direction, therefore the following changes have been made to the outer channel marks:
Fairway Marker - Positioned as of 20th March 2024 Position N 52° 59.230’ E 000° 58.538’ Bearing to no. 1 Starboard channel marker 189º T Distance to no. 1 Starboard channel marker 0.35nm: NEW Light sequence L Fl.10s
No. 1 Starboard marker - Repositioned further to east New Position N 52° 58.907’ E 000° 58.458’ Bearing to fairway marker 9º T. Distance to Fairway Buoy is 0.35nm Light sequence Fl.G(2s)
No.3 Starboard marker - Repositioned south east New Position N 52° 58.863’ E 000° 58.262’ Light sequence Fl.R(2.5s)
No. 5 Starboard marker - Remained in position Position N 52° 58.871’ E 000° 57.978’ Light sequence Fl.G(5s)
All subsequent outer harbour channel markers positions have remained unchanged.
END OF BLAKENEY POINT - The end of Blakeney Point has lost a significant amount of height and moved further south across where the channel was in 2023. Care should be taken to stay within the marked channel to avoid grounding on the end of the point as it is submerged at HW. A withy is currently marking the end of the point. No. 21 Starboard and No. 22 port have been repositioned south according to the current channel around the end of the point.
No. 21 starboard marker - New position N 52° 58.034’ E 000° 57.376’ Light sequence Fl.G(2)8s
No. 22 port marker - New position N 52° 58.054’ E 000° 57.473’ Light sequence QFl.R(1s)
INNER HARBOUR MARKERS - Minor changes have been made to the channel markers inside Blakeney Point. The South Sands starboard beacon, marker 31 and final channel marker, has been reinstated.
The weather station is active again on the South Sands beacon. Holfuy: Blakeney Harbour , wind & weather report
That's it. Goto to Notices to Mariners for chartlets and images.
1. BELGIUM - Buoyage. Scientific instruments. - This temporary Notice is placing two new Yellow special lit buoys very close to existing similar buoys either side of the Stroombank west of Ostendee (chartlet)
2. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. - One reduction of depth NE of the Sunk Inner Mark in line with the DW channel leading to the exit to Felixstowe. Unlikely to hinder leisure craft (chartlet)
3. ENGLAND - East Coast - Lights. Automatic Identification Systems. Piles. Legends. - This notice confirms the Preliminary Notice 2318(T) of last year. This marks the three Bird Nesting Structures, two off Lowestoft, the third, off Minsmere. The Notices adds AIS on all three Structures and a legend on charts. Light characteristics remain as reported last year. (2 chartlets)
4. BELGIUM - Lights. - The pair of lights either side of the entrance into Nieuwpoorte is increased to 11M. (chartlet)
5. NETHERLANDS - Buoyage. - This, a quite involved notice providing details of new buoys and moved buoys at the entrance of the Slijkgat which leads to Stellendam. The changes have added two pairs of lateral buoys. The annotations on the image is quite involved but the message is that there is a very clearly marked channel with 18 paired lateral buoys. (chartlet)
1. RIVER THAMES - SEA REACH - CALOR GAS CANVEY JETTY WORKS - from Wednesday 20th March 2024 onwards, contractors instructed by the operators of the Calor Gas Canvey terminal will re-commence works to the jetty. These works will include use of scaffolding, operatives working on the waterline and lifting operations. A safety boat will be in attendance at times during the works. These works are expected to be complete by 31st October 2024 and the general location of the works is shown by the red markings in the chartlet. Requirements to proceed with caution or at slow speed will be made in accordance with the procedures set out in the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, under ‘London VTS’, ‘Section 4’ with the International Code Flags ‘Romeo Yankee (RY)’, which are displayed. Further details will be broadcast as needed by London VTS on VHF channels 68 & 69.
2. RIVER THAMES - WOOLWICH REACH - CRANE OPERATIONS EXCLUSION - On or about Monday 25th March 2024, contractors from Ballymore will be conducting crane operations over the water at Deanston Wharf. These works will take place between the hours of 0730 and 1800 and are expected to take approximately 8 weeks. As part of these works a man basket will be used low over the water. To facilitate these works, between 0730 and 1800, all vessels shall keep well clear of the area marked on the chartlet. Further details will be broadcast by London VTS on VHF Channel 14, as required.
3. HARWICH HAVEN - Seasonal Recreational Marks - On or around 25 March 2024 the following seasonal recreational marks will be reinstated:
Pennyhole - Yellow Cone Buoy
Cork Ledge Racing Mark - Yellow Can Buoy
Armada Racing Mark - Yellow Can Buoy
Fox’s - Yellow Conical Buoy
Cobbolds Point Buoy - Green Conical Buoy
Dovercourt Bay - 6 Yellow Spherical Buoys
Shotley Horse - Yellow Pillar Buoy
Speed Limit Marker Buoy - Yellow Spherical Buoy
Beacon Hill - Yellow Can Buoy
4. HARWICH HAVEN - Surveyed Depths – Harwich Harbour - recent surveys have identified reduced depths in Harwich Harbour. The minimum depth is now 15.0m below Chart Datum in the harbour area between the Grisle Buoy and
the Babergh Buoy. See chart extract For further information (THERE IS A DOWNLOAD BUTTON IN THE LOCAL LIST IN THE BELOW QUOTED WEBPAGE. Maintenance dredging works are currently underway to restore the navigable depth and a further notice will be issued once this work has been completed. This notice replaces local notice to mariners No. 11 of 2024, which is now withdrawn. For further information contact the Harbour Master Team at Harwich Haven Authority (+44 1255 243030).
5. HARWICH HAVEN - Dredging Operations – Update 1 - dredging operations are taking place as follows:
➢ Medway (IMO: 9524152) – currently carrying out trailing suction hopper dredging operations in Harwich harbour and Felixstowe berths – now extended until approx. 11 April 2024.
➢ C-Force (IMO: 9850305) – currently carrying out plough dredging operations in the main channel near the Cross buoy and around the Beach End area. Expected to continue until approx. 1 April 2024.
➢ MTS Valour (IMO: 9407299) – expected to commence plough dredging operations on or around 30 March 2024, working around Harwich Harbour and Felixstowe berths, the River Stour and Mistley for approx. 3 weeks.
➢ Sospan Dau (IMO: 7711062) – will commence trailing suction hopper dredging on approx. 15 April 2024 for around 3 - 4 days. Maintenance dredging will be taking place in the Harwich Haven and around the Port of Felixstowe, with material disposed to the beneficial sites in the River Stour and Orwell. This dredging notice is cumulative and replaces notices No. 13 and No. 12 of 2024, which are now withdrawn.
6. River Medway – Saltpan Reach - Aids to Navigation Consultation. - Peel Ports London Medway are opening a consultation period in relation to proposed changes to some of the Aids to Navigation in Saltpan Reach. It has been identified that the current characteristics of Z1, Z2 and the Isolated Danger mark in Saltpan Reach are, in certain circumstances, inconspicuous due to other AtoN and background lighting. The following changes are being proposed and you are invited to submit any comments on this matter for the next 30 days to the following address: AllMedwayMarineManagers@peelports.com
Z1 Isolated Danger Light Buoy - Current Characteristics – Isolated Danger Light Buoy Fl W (2) 10s – TH No. N09387 51’25.792N 000’41.630E: Proposed Characteristics - Isolated Danger Light Buoy Fl W (2) 5s.
Timber Hulk Isolated Danger Light-buoy - Current Characteristics - Isolated Danger Light-Buoy Fl W (2) 5s - TH No N14724 – 51’25.564N 000’40.890E: Proposed Characteristics - Isolated Danger Light-Buoy Fl W (2) 10s.
Z2 North Cardinal Light-buoy - Current Characteristics - North Cardinal Light-buoy Q Fl - TH No N09388 – 51’25.622N 000’41.629E: Proposed Characteristics - Preferred Channel to Starboard Light-Buoy Fl R (2+1) (That will be an interesting buoy). Admiralty Chart No. 1834 refers.
7. Sheerness Docks – No.11 Berth Tug Moorings - Reduced Speed & Wash When Passing. - a recent incident occurred where 2 tugs that were moored at SD.11 berth parted their mooring lines and broke free. A contributing factor was found to be excessive wash caused by an outbound passing vessel. Both vessels were manned and the situation was managed swiftly and professionally, however, there was potential for the incident to have greater implications had circumstances been different. Whilst there is not a speed restriction on this section of the river it has been historically accepted that passing ships and craft show consideration when passing the tug moorings due their exposed location and their need to berth 2 or 3 abreast. All vessels are reminded to reduce their speed and wash accordingly when passing Sheerness No.11 berth (Photo of location).
8. Approaches to Kings Lynn. - Extinguished Navigation Mark - Charts BA 108 & 1200 - Mariners are advised that the navigation lighted beacon on the Hunstanton outfall shoreside dolphin Fl.R.3s. in position Lat 52° 55.900’N Long 000° 28.800’E.
9. Blakeney Harbour - Maintenance work has been carried out on the channel markers leading into Blakeney Harbour for the 2024 season.
OUTER CHANNEL MARKERS - The harbour entrance has continued to grow in an easterly direction, therefore the following changes have been made to the outer channel marks:
Fairway Marker - Positioned as of 20th March 2024 Position N 52° 59.230’ E 000° 58.538’ Bearing to no. 1 Starboard channel marker 189º T Distance to no. 1 Starboard channel marker 0.35nm: NEW Light sequence L Fl.10s
No. 1 Starboard marker - Repositioned further to east New Position N 52° 58.907’ E 000° 58.458’ Bearing to fairway marker 9º T. Distance to Fairway Buoy is 0.35nm Light sequence Fl.G(2s)
No.3 Starboard marker - Repositioned south east New Position N 52° 58.863’ E 000° 58.262’ Light sequence Fl.R(2.5s)
No. 5 Starboard marker - Remained in position Position N 52° 58.871’ E 000° 57.978’ Light sequence Fl.G(5s)
All subsequent outer harbour channel markers positions have remained unchanged.
END OF BLAKENEY POINT - The end of Blakeney Point has lost a significant amount of height and moved further south across where the channel was in 2023. Care should be taken to stay within the marked channel to avoid grounding on the end of the point as it is submerged at HW. A withy is currently marking the end of the point. No. 21 Starboard and No. 22 port have been repositioned south according to the current channel around the end of the point.
No. 21 starboard marker - New position N 52° 58.034’ E 000° 57.376’ Light sequence Fl.G(2)8s
No. 22 port marker - New position N 52° 58.054’ E 000° 57.473’ Light sequence QFl.R(1s)
INNER HARBOUR MARKERS - Minor changes have been made to the channel markers inside Blakeney Point. The South Sands starboard beacon, marker 31 and final channel marker, has been reinstated.
The weather station is active again on the South Sands beacon. Holfuy: Blakeney Harbour , wind & weather report
That's it. Goto to Notices to Mariners for chartlets and images.