Notices to Mariners - Week 10


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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UKHO Permanent/Temporary/Preliminary

1. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. -
Four reductions of depth on the Little Sunk, two of which are on the usual crossing point and two indicating a slight growth of the Little Sunk knoll. This change is caused by our 2023 survey and the crossing point is NOT significantly affected. At the moment the growth of the Little Sunk appears to be quite slow, indeed the worse depth of 0.7m looked like the ‘crest’ of a sand wave.
2. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depth. - One reduction of depth in the approaches to Lowestoft Harbour entrance. Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.
3. ENGLAND - East Coast - Drying heights. Depths. - Six reduction of depth (two of which are new drying heights) in the River Medway at the entrance of the Chatham Docks and the No 30 port hand buoy.
4. ENGLAND - South East Coast - Depths. - Four reductions of depth in the Outer Harbour of the Port of Ramsgate. Whilst the revised depths are not great they should not hinder leisure craft.
5. ENGLAND - East Coast - Buoy. - The Yellow special lit buoy at the northerly tip of the Roaring Middle shoal in the centre of the Wash is deleted.
6. ENGLAND - East Coast - Wreck. Depths. - A wreck on the eastern side of the Holm Sand (off Lowestoft) is deleted and a reduced depth of 1.7m placed in lieu.
7. ENGLAND - East Coast - Buoyage. - This Notice is catching up with the changes of buoyage at the Ray Sand which occurred in 2023 as a result of surveys. The previous two Safe Water Buoys – the Raysand North and Raysand Middle are removed completely. A new unlit yellow buoy – The Raysand North is placed quite well to the East and the unlit round yellow Ray Sand buoy is moved to match the same longitude meridian. There is a CTTE download at provides the detailed chartlet with has had the correct buoyage since July last year. By all means use the free download. Use the 1° meridian to find the best water north of the Ray Sand between the River Blackwater and the Ray Sand. There are plans for a new edition of UKHO Chart 1975 Thames Estuary – Northern Part in the summer this year which should bring the contours up to date. As of today Navionics have placed the Ray Sand in the right place, have deleted the Raysand Middle, kept the Safe Water coloured Raysand North in the (wrong) old position and the Buxey Beacon in the wrong position (of course it can drag!). It tends to be handy to know where you are if you use Navionics!. C-Map is up-to-date as regards the buoys and the Beacon. The northern contour of the Ray Sand is as my chartlet.
8. ENGLAND - East Coast - Traffic flow direction. - This Notice deletes a total of 42 established direction of traffic flow arrows in the Sea Reach of the River Thames and the Outer Thames. This affects detailed 5 SN charts and 4 SC charts. If the Speaker can break conventions so can I. So I have not illustrated the changes on the grounds that this does not affect leisure craft.
9. ENGLAND - East Coast - Fouls. Wreck. - A wreck in the middle of moorings in Bridge Reach just before Rochester Bridge is deleted and two ‘FOUL’ are substituted.

All images can be found at: Notices to Mariners


See separate thread - test too long!