I e-mailed them for a sample ARCS chart to test on my PC system, or even one I could download to test. The maritime equivalent of Outer Mongolia would do. Deafening silence. What is it with firms and organisations and e-mails?
ARCS charts are not stand alone are you aware that you require a program to run them from. Perhaps this is why you did not get a reply?
You can get a free working copy of Navmaster which includes some ARCS charts this may be helpfull to you.
The site address is www.pcmaritime.co.uk
Good luck
Thanks. I do have some American software but I don't like the US charts or the German ones they are now issuing for the Med. Scraped a rock last year which didn't show on the US charts but the Royal Navy had surveyed it in 1920!
I'll look through my boatshow samples and see if I have a PC maritime one.
I represent the CYCC on the U K H O small craft liason group. Like you, I was expecting the searchable database to be available mid Dec, so I have spoken to my contacts at the Hydrographic Office, who apologise for the delay.
The H O have had software problems on the trial runs of the database, but say it should be available by mid/end March. They make the point that they will not release the database until they are sure of its accuracy and reliability - sensible since it will be used by solas vessels as well as yachties. All NM's are available on the web site in non searchable form, but the small craft paper ones have been withdrawn.
There was some surprise at the comments about non reply to e mails, and this will be investigated. It is their policy to respond within 24 hrs.