No more waiting!


Well-known member
30 May 2001
N Devon
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I know this is not about sailing, but I can't paint the boat in this weather so I thought I'd enlighten any interested parties to my recent success.

I've just connected to BT's ADSL broadband network through and the result is brilliant. For £80 up front and £29.99/month I now have superfast web access at 576Kbps - that's 10 times faster than a standard BT line with 56K modem.

What's more it all worked first time and it does just what it says on the tin! They sent me a tiny new modem & leads within 3 days of order, which you simply connect via a free USB port on the PC. Then they set it up at the exchange and email you with a service date, after which you simply plug the modem in, drop the installation CD in the drive and, bingo, within 5 mins I am hyper-browsing! It took 7 days from my web order.

No more beep-beep-beep connecting up - you are connected permanently on a LAN basis. No charges other than the £29.99/mth - just £10 more than my usual crappy ISP!

Happy Duncs


New member
11 Jul 2001
West Sussex
sounds like your the one person in a million where everything went right !! Congrats !! Broadband is fantastic when it works (I've got Blueyonder cable) but when it goes down you really miss it !

BT is 500 kbps isn't it ? anyway, it's more than 10 times faster than a 56k modem as they never reach their "top" speed anyway.

Now you've just got to get a router to share the connection and a wireless network kit so you can surf the web with a laptop sitting in the garden with no wires connected! Fantastic. (gawd I should get out more...)

Roger Holden


Well-known member
30 May 2001
N Devon
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I forgot to mention - you can use the same line for making/receiving calls despite the permanent internet connection.



Well-known member
6 Sep 2001
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Im on a dsl here in Sweden think its the same system as you ..we pay 200sek per month = about £14 ..its a very good system and i think it will be difficult to go back to the 56k when i am in uk..the people that advertise using flash i think dont realise the speed and its to fast to read any info ..there is a couple on the bbs that need to slow thiers down for our use..good luck with it .it makes surfing a lot better...

16 May 2001
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Yep: Good innit?

Been on Broadband for about six months now. Downloading stationery is so fast that we have stopped keeping shelves full of forms anymore at the office. Video conferencing is also possible now without the endless breaks we used to get.

It can also be networked so we have up to five machines on line at any one time through only one connection (even that is down the fax line which is unaffected). Costwise therefore we now actually pay less than before when each computer used a separate line (we tried SAPS sharing software for a while but things got tangled up).

You are supposed to be within 3km of an exchange but we are at 4km and it works fine. The quality of the line is more important than the distance. BT originally wouldn't entertain our being connected at this distance but perseverence forced them to go along with us.

Economics still make the Pace modem using V2 @ 110 the choice for home use where things happen a lot slower! As more unsolicited videos appear on the screen older machines and connections (remember it started at 0.56!) just don't cope.

Steve Cronin