........so nice to see you giving such practical and provocative advice Haydn.........when you going to get a decent piccie then ? (and no, you cant nick mine.....not that that will stop you) /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.boatsontheweb.com/galleryframes.html> BoatsOnTheWeb and Boaters Photo Gallery</A>
naaah.......its you wots wrong mate....not the bloody system!
youve left out the http bit !
Anyway, Simon hasnt obeyed my instructions about picture size so its far too bloody big and Im goiing to have to delete it and he'll need to start again..........
How can one get people to read things properly.....?
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.boatsontheweb.com/galleryframes.html> BoatsOnTheWeb and Boaters Photo Gallery</A>
OK. Opened picture in MSPhoto Editor, resized to 75x49, uploaded to arweb & lo 'n behold there it is. Click on it and it does not expand like the others. Load the url onto ybw profile, check it out and it is out of proportion and blurred. What did I do wrong? 'Mayfly'. http://www.arweb.co.uk/aralbums/album08/Mayfly.thumb.jpg
"I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."..........I think????
Should be 75 high by 65 wide.
Just checked your pic on my website and your pic actually 75 wide by 35 high - hardly surprising its a bit blurry when its distorted by the ybw forum to fit 65w x 75h !!!!
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.boatsontheweb.com/galleryframes.html> BoatsOnTheWeb and Boaters Photo Gallery</A><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by boatone on 22/09/2002 18:21 (server time).</FONT></P>
Find a pic you like, right click your mouse, select copy.
Go into your user file and put it in the click the piccy bit, left click your mouse, select paste.
Apply and away you go. May I suggest something naked, female and below the age of 30!
As you can see. Picked a different pic, cropped & resized, but it still doesn't look too good. Am I expecting to much from a thumbnail this size? Could you delete the first 2?
"I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."..........I think????