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16 Apr 2003
West Sussex- Chichester
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A question for you in general, in the next issue of the mag, I guess its all about what a success the SBS was for all, and stroking your advertisers and sponsors in to spending more money with you over the next few years, can I also request that you take note of some of the threads about the SBS, and if need be gain more feedback, but IMHO things need to change and unless the builders get to hear the truth from the industry bible that you guys run, I fear that they will contiue to believe they offer service second to none and we the punters will continue to suffer in silence. If it just me that feels the SBS was a sheer discgace (let alone KIm you did not buy all forumites a beer or two when we attended) then I will eat humble pie or at least a fender or two, but if as I feel it is a wider opinion will the publication address this in the post show issue, that way we can see if by London they have taken any constructive critequing.

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10 Sep 2003
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Re: ungrateful wretch

Been boating five minutes, and think you know what the marine industry's all about, do you, eh? Well let me tell you, I've been going to the boat show, man and boy for 14 years. Being treated like dirt is part and parcel of the experience.

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Deleted User YDKXO

Er, what exactly didnt you like and why was it a disgrace?

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30 Jul 2003
Surrey UK
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I have seen several comments along these lines, but did not encounter such a problem myself. Admittedly I did not try to blag my way onto the superyachts, and I noticed that several boats were there courtesy of the owners (i.e. not the property of the exhibitors) and thus the booth staff might be overly protective. Also, my wife kindly volunteered to carry the ham sandwiches and water bottles all day so I probably appeared quite relaxed...
My only extravagance was to enter a rather fine Sunseeker Portofino - just within financial reach but way beyond financial prudence in my case. I have to say the Sunseeker guy I met was very professional (perhaps I reminded him of his father!)
I continue to be amazed at how many people turn up for this event.
Until next year.....

<hr width=100% size=1>TonyG


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16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Taking your points:

Firstly, apologies that I was not on the stand as much as intended. Could give you all the excuses but we got a little stretched and it didn't work out as well as intended so we're looking to make some changes, both for London where will have its own stand, and for the next Southampton.

Secondly, I'm not sure which issues you are referring to. Decisions regarding content on Motor Boat & Yachting will be made by that magazine's editor, Tom Isitt and the call on content for Motor Boats Monthly will be made by Hugo Andreae. On the other hand you might be referring to the fact that I edit International Boat Industry and therefore can address the trade've given me some food for thought about shows.

All of that said, if you read that the Southampton Boat Show was a success well then that will be nothing other than the truth. That is not to ignore your experience and it is not to say that there are not problems caused when people get fobbed off at the virtual or actual barriers that protect some boats, but attendance boomed and the wallets were out. You accuse our magazines before you read, so I'm not sure you'll believe any of this but it's a fact, for what it is worth.

Going back to your original point though, when making purchases I tend to warm to the people that offer a ready welcome and make me feel that I am worth the time of day, whatever I am buying. My money usually goes in their direction, I feel better and enjoy the thing all the more. One can only hope that the individuals and companies that go the extra mile ultimately see the return on their efforts to the detriment of any who post entirely the wrong signals. If someone upsets you, stay away and find a better experience.

Restricted access to boats is arguably an issue for a show that charges and for an industry that needs its friends but it is not a new situation; barriers have been in place for as long as I have been attending shows, as a visitor and as an exhibitor. I don't like them; indeed I still find myself intimidated by some stand designs alone, press badge or no. On the other hand, with a high percentage of boats being pre-sold prior to the show and 143,000 people through the turnstiles in 10 days, a minority of which are not always well behaved (I speak with experience on that one having put my own boat in Try A Boat for six years), I can also understand the need for some hopefully kindly and well organised controls.

I have had kids (visitors) on my boat for whom whose parents have abdicated all responsibility; within 30 seconds they were running across the upholstery; five minutes later they had tried to flush a complete loo roll down the toilet just for fun and five minutes after that they had ripped three buttons out of the upholstery. Fortunately it was the exception and I greatly enjoyed meeting almost all of the people aboard but hopefully you understand what I mean.

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