I had a chat with Williams at Southampton this year and it seems that they are developing some new jet-tenders. Anybody got more details? When will they be launched?
Spoke to them a few months ago and I can tell you they will have a bigger model similar or possibly slightly bigger than the Avon 320. I believe it will be launched at the London Show.
Still not entirely sure about Williams. Do they actually make their Jet-Rib or just re-badge someone elses? Appears to use the same 80/83HP 2-stroke Yamaha engine as per the Avon.
I've been led to believe by someone supposedly in the know, that Williams have collaborated with nautica in the US and their boats will be similar.... but as you've already experienced they are fiercely defensive about any information getting out before the LBS.
check out <A target="_blank" HREF=http://nauticaintl.com> jetrib </A>
<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by DERF on 08/11/2004 22:24 (server time).</FONT></P>
We bought a new Targa 43 at the Southampton Boat Show (boat show boat) which has a Williams Jet Rib in the boot. Have not had the opportunity to try it yet, but certainly looking forward to giving it a go. All the paperwork regarding engine etc is American, but the Williams company is based at Didcot (apparently not part of F1 team!).
They are also making them with a blue hull for Sunseeker.
The Jet 10 shown on that website looks very similar in shape & design to the old Sealine JetRib available a couple of years ago that was decidedly cronic, if the reports and evidence I saw were correct. Withdrawn PDQ too! Any relationship do you know??
Not sure if there really is a connection or not Paul. Will be very interested to see the so called "revolutionary" new Williams , as they describe it!!