I don't even trust the normal weather forecast as a source, and always check out the synoptic charts before I go sailing. And now I'm supposed to go by an index, based on the weather forecast, based on a synoptic chart.
Besides, does the Beeb know in which direction I'll be sailing ? A force 6 in the rear is more bearable than a 5 on the nose.
The same as in the Solent, the conditions on the Westerscheld depend seriously on the state of the tide and the tidal current. Wind against tide makes for some nasty chop. So on a single day it can go from 30 to 70, back to 30 again.
Well, I suppose I could understand the index, although its relevance and applicability is seriously doubtful as others have pointed out here.
What I don't understand is the concept of a 'planning forecast' that features only today and the past five days, and includes these days with varying 'times' for each day.
How, exactly, is one supposed to use or apply this seemingly random data?
Aunty Beeb seems a little confused over this one. Me too.