new Volvo Penta abusers site


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
Visit site
Have just been and registered at B 1s new site.Looks V. good.
My old boat a Princess 25 with the VP 175A/280 leg has been lifted on to the trailer of Jim Brett our local boat moving man. She begins her journey to the new owners home near Ely.My new boat ,which has 2 x 40A diesels is being collected from the Hamble on friday.Hence visit to to site.
The cost of the lifts on and off the trailer gives an indication of the additional expense of keeping any vessel in the Solent area.
Cost to lift on from hardstanding in Hamble £176.00. Cost to lift off into non tidal dock at Gillingham is £125.00 and the lift off is taking place at the poshest marina in my area.
My little 25ft boat was prob the best boat I have ever had and would recommend one to any one looking for that size of craft.It was well constructed and the Volvo
engine and leg gave no problems of any kind.In the 2 yrs I owned the boat all I ever had to do was turn up and turn the key.This in direct contrast to the previous thing that crawled into my life a (23ft Regal with twin Mercruisers)It needs to be bourne in mind that all my boats are around 20 years old and it is prob the care taken by the previous 50 owners that will determine the condition of the boat when finally gets to me.However do the builders care much beyond the first purchaser.
Just a further comment ,while moving my old boat to the wharf for its lift out.I receive a phone call from the owner of a boat I had looked at a few weeks previously saying he was prepared to accept the (very low) offer I had made.
B#####y hell nothing happens for months and then...........

My wife reckons I spend to much time on here.


Wellcome to the real world of southcoast boating prices, I guess you just get used to it !, on the other hand, I noticed that the saturday morning quick scrubs have gone up from, last year, I paid 65.00 now a minimum of 80 plus vat, and no time for cleaning props of shafts and no changing anodes either, so another swindle to get the full price from us for a lift and chock off/ relaunch etc, I ask myself where is it all going to?, on another note after reading earlier post last week about boat damage Targa 37/ MDL John Watson, I would like to commend him and MDL at Hythe marina who actually took an interst in me after my request to lift my Princess 388 for wash off and survey, my marina were not even interested in my lift because they were too busy/much interested in other things, and said come back in the middle of next month etc, also got the same reply from other Lymington yard JFM will know who I mean, not interested unless they were getting a brokerage deal so tried Hythe and got lucky.

Paul js.


Thanks for the thanks Paul js!
It's nice to be recognised when we get it right!
John Watson