New to powerboats - HELP!


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12 Sep 2004
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Hey folks! A new member from the States logging in...

I am a fairly competent and experienced sailor (35 years on 8 foot cat boats to 4o foot sloops). But now, I am in the market for a 37-43 ft powerboat (sportcruiser type), for the first time. I've read the mags, a few powerboat books, gone to many websites, and have been to the boat show. But... I need some advice that hasn't come easily, yet.

I need to hear what owners have to say about the quality of the boats overall as well as the performance/ride. I am most interested in the handling differences between these boat makers - specifically how easily they get out of the hole and how well the hull handles chop as well as following seas.

Here are the makes and models I am considering:

Formula 40PC

Chaparral 350

Larson 370

Rinker 390

Maxum 4200 SY and 3700 SY

They are all new boats - 2004/05. A couple of dealers have said they have one or two (new) 2003 models available, too. I would consider those for the cost savings, of course. And, I should mention, that all of these boats will be outfitted with their optional diesel packages (most of them = Yanmar or Volvo).

By the way: I'll be using the boat along the Florida Gulf Coast - primarily from Tampa Bay to Charlotte Bay. I may take a trip to the Bahamas once a year.

Any comments on these models would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Formula is well known enough here and very capable I think. Most US boats are lake oriented from what I can see. You should have no difficulty getting a 30-fourty ft boat on the plane, this is usually a problem for 20ft boats. We just buy a Princess or Fairline else a Sealine and veiw US boats as abit crappy!!!

<hr width=100% size=1> Flags Solly MFBR</font color=red>


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18 Aug 2001
North Lincolnshire
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Now now Haydn, no nead to be disrespectful just cos it's Ryder cup time /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

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