New Outboard Advice



I currently have an old Honda 75 (7.5 HP I presume), that I want to replace on my Kingfisher 20 - probably with another 4-stroke.
The outboard needs to have enough power to get in and out of moorings on the Conwy against the tide, but needs to be of a size that will fit in the engine well and then tilt out of the water when not in use.
The Honda 75 has the power, but the engine cover is too high to enable a full tilt out of the water.
Has anyone any recommendations?



Your Honda is a 7.5hp. I have owned one these engines and now use their new 5hp 4stroke. This has all the power of the old model but is a lot lighter and quiter. You may also want to investigate Suzuki's 4hp 2 stroke range, depending on your own views of 2/4 stroke engines. The Suzi 2 stroke is at the lower range for your boat, but will move it comfortably in any situation and is a demon little powerhorse with no frills to go wrong.


Thanks for that.
I like the Hondas and I think the dimensions of the new models will be better for the boat.
Sorry to be a sceptic, but does it really deliver the same power as the old 7.5HP - given that I've got 3.5 tons of boat to move against an 8 knot tide?


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31 Oct 2004
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I have a Honda 5, and I have to say that on balance I'm very pleased with it. It is (according to the manufacturers brochure) possible to get a higher thrust prop which might be a better match for your boat. However if you feel that 5hp might not give you enough in reserve take a look at the Tohatsu 6 four-stroke. A guy at our sailing club has one on the back of an Evolution 26 (about 2 tons of boat) and has no problems getting in and out of Poole harbour. The Tohatsu is pretty much the same weight as the Honda, but apperars to be slightly smaller. Don't know about price though.

Best of luck
