It's great to see the forums (or should that be fora?) up and running again. However one significant side-effect of the changes is that browsers can no longer track read messages across sessions.
In the past I relied very heavily on the browser's facility of showing links I had already followed in a different colour as an indication of which threads I was actively following, and where I was in them.
The new magic number in the URL (?is this a session identifier?) prevents this from working, hence there is no distinction between those messages I have and have not read.
This will soon make the forum very difficult to use as message volumes climb back to their pre-break levels.
In the past I relied very heavily on the browser's facility of showing links I had already followed in a different colour as an indication of which threads I was actively following, and where I was in them.
The new magic number in the URL (?is this a session identifier?) prevents this from working, hence there is no distinction between those messages I have and have not read.
This will soon make the forum very difficult to use as message volumes climb back to their pre-break levels.