New member
I'm in the market for a new wireless set. I've read last year's PBO comparison of various sets and checked the previous stuff on this forum...which was helpful, if alarming!
I have the old VHF personal licence (circa 1979) and ship licence for standard VHF (though that document is on the boat and not in front of me now).
My queries are:
1. Several sets specify they work with an ordinary VHF aerial. Does that mean others need a different aerial (the manufacturers' websites do not seem to mention this fact). I realise those which give Navtex etc as well need additional aerials but for straight VHF and DSC functions does my existing VHF aerial and Garmin gps with its own aerial suffice for all DSC VHFs?
2. Am I required to take a new exam to qualify to use a DSC VHF set?
3. Several sets say the MMSI number is user programmable - again does than imply it may not be on sets which don't say this?
It all seemed a lot simpler when you just bought a new crystal to change channels... If the technology doesn't defeat you the bureaucracy will...
And of course I'd be interested if anyone recommends (or warns against) any particular set. For once affording the best is less difficult than working out what it might be...
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I have the old VHF personal licence (circa 1979) and ship licence for standard VHF (though that document is on the boat and not in front of me now).
My queries are:
1. Several sets specify they work with an ordinary VHF aerial. Does that mean others need a different aerial (the manufacturers' websites do not seem to mention this fact). I realise those which give Navtex etc as well need additional aerials but for straight VHF and DSC functions does my existing VHF aerial and Garmin gps with its own aerial suffice for all DSC VHFs?
2. Am I required to take a new exam to qualify to use a DSC VHF set?
3. Several sets say the MMSI number is user programmable - again does than imply it may not be on sets which don't say this?
It all seemed a lot simpler when you just bought a new crystal to change channels... If the technology doesn't defeat you the bureaucracy will...
And of course I'd be interested if anyone recommends (or warns against) any particular set. For once affording the best is less difficult than working out what it might be...
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