New boat day - axopar 28

Mr Googler

Well-known member
11 Apr 2008
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Get a big sticker that says ‘COX’ and stick over the Mercury stickers. That and your fuel cap will convince anyone it’s diesel. But make sure you always fill it up yourself, don’t let the pump attendant do it for you
there’s already enough cox in that area


Well-known member
11 Jun 2006
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So to close the prop mystery off, the factory have confirmed they fitted the wrong prop and it'll be sorted under warranty.

How that happens I have no idea.


Well-known member
11 Jun 2006
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Just catching up. Looks very nice and an ideal day boat. Where in Mallorca are you ? We are shortly to start touring menorca / Mallorca / Ibiza from Cala dor
Spent the night in puerto andratx last night, but normally based in adriano


Well-known member
4 Dec 2005
Live London, boat Mallorca
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I like Andraxt. Last time I was in Adriano it cost me about e600 for the night so I will just have a wave on the way past!

i fairness we did have fire eaters a s jiglers performing at the back of the boat !


Well-known member
11 Jun 2006
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So a bit more of an update on the boat now I've owned it for a little while.

- it does go well through some fairly heavy seas, you rarely need to drop below 20 knots. It's a smooth ride.

-the fresh water tank is definitely too small at 40 litres, it's only a plastic one held in place with some strapping so might be easy to replace with a larger one if there is space.

- the fuel tank is only just big enough, I can see it being too small for some people.

-no trim tab position indicators, minor issue for me, might get one fitted or see if I can get an nmea adapter to get the positions shown on the mfd. The previous boat had tab position indicators so I'm used to being able to look at this.

-no fresh water tank level indicator, the first you know is when the shower stops, might get an nmea level sensor.

- the factory fitted battery charger was wired up wrong (see photo) , the negative cable from the batteries was connected to one of the positive terminals on the charger, so the charger was throwing a reverse polarity error and not doing any charging. Quite disappointed in this from the factory, makes me wonder what else was put together incorrectly. It was easily rectified though.

-still waiting for the correct prop to be fitted, took a lot of arguing with the dealer to get this sorted. The factory said the dealer had fitted the wrong prop, the dealer insisted they had fitted the correct one. We got there in the end though and the right prop should be being fitted this week.

- build quality seems fine (not withstanding the incorrectly wired charger), and it's easy to get to everything you could conceivably need to get to.

- I find the windscreen surround to be right in my eye line when driving stood up, I think its designed to be driven sitting down, but I don't like doing this. I don't think this is a problem in the cabin version because the glass extends so much higher, but in the open/ttop version the surround is in the way. I need to be either much shorter or a couple of inches taller. I'm not short at 5 foot 10 (pretty average really), and I really don't like helming sitting down, so i think I will experiment with getting hold of an aerobic step to stand on, they're only cheap.

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