We traded the Flavel Vanessa cooker we inherited with our Sadler 29 bought last season, for a Nelson Spinflo and have found it to be a class act. It was a slightly tighter fit in the space but we were impressed with the general quality of build. I have to say that the Neptune started out at the top of our shopping list for a replacement ( The Vanessa was well past its sell by date and had none of the safety features such as flame failure shut down) but the engineer who we called in to re-plumb the gas system suggested we look at the Nelson and we have never regretted it. It costs more but looks and feels like a better engineered piece -- the oven door window is useful too!
I have just bought a Nelson cooker as firstly it appealed to me, it fitted the hole the other cooker left, and secondly it came out very well in PBO test Jan 02 (Copy Service)! Though I have yet to use it as not yet connected. The Nelson is also the same as the discontinued Flavel Wayfarer and that came out well in previous PBO test.
I have had a Plastimo before (Pacific) which was hob and oven, (no grill, so could not tell how "efficient" it was) and it was good for the uses I put it to (roast pots, casserole, pizza, cakes - the Victoria Sandwich cake produced passed the test as it vanished within 10 mins!!!), no real complaints except that the oven is substantially smaller than the Nelson, and I shall require a larger oven for liveaboard purposes soon!
<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by smee on 28/05/2003 10:14 (server time).</FONT></P>
Hello Avocet, this is Dovekie, or Jon to you,
We replaced a Flavel with a Nelson. Loads better, in particular the flame failsafe and the stainless construction. Also seems easier to clean. The grill in both is not brilliant, we have special stils for the toast.