New member
We are relatively inexperienced and would welcome comments about a situation we were in last Tuesday. We left Poole early in the morning aiming to go to Cowes in our 28ft Twister. The wind was forecast North Easterly 5 . It was just off spring tides. The wind stayed N. E.but seemed to get up to stronger than force 5 across Christchurch bay.The sea was lumpy and we both got drenched working on the deck changing headsails( roller furling definitely on order after that!). We arrived at the Needles Channel with approximately 2 hours of flood tide left.From the almanac we could not work out whether it was safe to go down the channel in these conditions and so we prudently changed course and had a roller coaster ride to Weymouth. Could anybody advise us whether we could have proceeded safely into the Solent?