Needles Channel


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10 Sep 2001
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We are relatively inexperienced and would welcome comments about a situation we were in last Tuesday. We left Poole early in the morning aiming to go to Cowes in our 28ft Twister. The wind was forecast North Easterly 5 . It was just off spring tides. The wind stayed N. E.but seemed to get up to stronger than force 5 across Christchurch bay.The sea was lumpy and we both got drenched working on the deck changing headsails( roller furling definitely on order after that!). We arrived at the Needles Channel with approximately 2 hours of flood tide left.From the almanac we could not work out whether it was safe to go down the channel in these conditions and so we prudently changed course and had a roller coaster ride to Weymouth. Could anybody advise us whether we could have proceeded safely into the Solent?


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12 Aug 2001
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In any wind against tide situation the Needles Channel is not recommended always use the North channel deliniated by the North Head Buoy. With two hours of flood left and the strong NE there would probably have been a standing wave at the Hurst end of the North Channel but much less dangerous than the Bridge area at the Needles.

Was it one or two years ago that a boat was lost with loss of life in the Needles Channel in F7-8.


New member
11 Nov 2001
k up your larder - Malvern & Portsmouth
During the last August Bank holiday we were returning from Cherbourg in my Albin Vega 27. The wind was NNE F4/5 occ 6 with lumpy seas. We used the main Needles channel and had a bumpy ride but no problems. With good visabilty and we were in the middle of a Spring tide (East going flood). If in doubt, use the North Channel but that day there were a lot of yachts entering via the Needles Channel.

Albin Vega "Southern Comfort" V1703


First, its always better to be old than bold! So you did the right thing if you did not feel confident.

Its a bit strong to say that the Needles is difficult in any wind against tide situation, but force 5-6 will give a very rough ride, and don't even think about it beyond that.

You could perhaps have slowed down to arrive closer to slack tide, or as recommended pass via North Head. Its an easier beat than up the Needles channel, though you do have to watch for the seas over Christchurch Ledge, as you discovered.



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30 May 2001
UK - Solent region
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No, this was in 1997 & the wind conditions were F11.
Furthermore, the wind was with tide (flooding with a SW) conditions described at the enquiry as equally potentially dangerous in that area (yarmouth lifeboat statement). The result of the enquiry into the 3 deaths, was that they were due to excess testosterone!!
Again there are many bold sailors & many old sailors, but few old bold sailors.


New member
16 May 2001
North Bucks
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I came thro the needles channel on the same day as you but about three or four hours later in my warrior 40. As you say the wind was 5 to 6 with strong gusts and a lumpy sea-much lumpier than then the conditions would lead you to expect. We had come from Weymouth but left it a little late and were therefore headed by the tide when we got to bridge buoy. The sea was in fact calmer there than out at the fairway buoy and no problems at hurst narrows. We did discuss diverting thro the north channel but felt the conditions were still ok. As it turned out the channel was calm but by then,of course, the tide was running with the wind. As skyva says, coming thro at slack or even against tide would normally be smoother but the north channel is nearly always a safe bet. On the other hand a rocking-rolling ride to weymouth is always good fun. Why are they taking out many of the pontoons for the winter - so we will still be rafting when there are only six of us there?