Near Miss


Well-known member
3 Jul 2002
At sea somewhere.
I recount the following probably more to get it off my chest than in the hope of any recourse - although I was pretty cross at the time of the incident.

When meeting ships and other craft in open waters, I usually expect/hope that they will comply with the IRPCS. I am under no illusions about large ships and the way that they often ignore yachts, but by and large, ships either comply or just ignore you - and that I live with and therefore comply with the overall rule of preventing collision (and also stay alive).

When we set off across the channel a few weeks ago (Plymouth to L'Aberach) there was little or no wind and we motorsailed. Mainsail up, cone up, engine on and 7.5 knots towards what we hoped would be sunnier climes.

We met little shipping, but at one point as we came to to the westbound lanes, there was a medium sized merchant vessel holding a steady bearing, approaching us from our port side. We were no-where near any traffic separation schemes so I held my course and carried on taking bearings and watching him on the radar. Eventually it got so I could just read the vessels name on binoculars so I tried to call him (something I very very rarely do as I often think VHF adds to the confusion). No reply. No sign of anyone on the bridge and he gets closer and closer and eventually I turn sharp to starboard to allow him to run by me on our Port side. (You never know whether he is going to turn to Port at the last minute and if I had turned to port as well to pass behind him, it could have made things worse as we would have been closing each other very fast in those circumstances.)

All the above is nothing unusual, and I was just putting it down as another ship that had the lookouts making cocoa/in the loo/asleep whatever.

What made me mad was that as he steamed past, the watchkeeper (I assume) came out onto the bridge wing and made obcene and violent gestures at us)

I understood him to be indicating that I was something that sounded like "a trucking tanker".

Embarrassment at being woken up by the Radar alarm? Ignorance or just bloody minded?

The vessel was registered in Panama and the incident was reported, so I won't give the name etc. Visibility was more than 5 miles at the time. Blue sky and less than 5 knots of wind. We carry a (large) radar reflector at all times on the front of the mast.

Well I've got it off my chest, but I'm still cross when I think about it.

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Two steps lower than the ships' cat
17 Apr 2002
NE Scotland
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I hear what you say, but is it wise to get your blood pressure up? Have a read of the "Missed by 60m" thread below to see what us poor sailors are up against. Keep out of the way of these silly B@st@rds, and let them get on with it is my motto!

<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by jmirvine on 29/08/2004 08:50 (server time).</FONT></P>


Two steps lower than the ships' cat
17 Apr 2002
NE Scotland
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I agree totally with what you are saying, but I've long ago given up trying.

It's the same with road rage. There seem to be people out there who get all het up and make rude gestures at me while driving. My wife thinks it has something to do with the fact that we drive a big Volvo estate. I just TOTALLY ignore them, and carry serenely on my way. Haven't had a heart attack - yet !

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Well-known member
30 Jun 2002
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I knew there was something about Volvo drivers!
I agree though. There is an old joke about an epitaph written on a tombstone " I had right of way!"
Personally I treat ships at sea like I treat Volvo drivers on the road. Never let the buggers get near enough to hit me. I assume most are probably not looking where they are going and they are bigger than me! ( I am sure you are the exception!)
Being right and being dead can easily be the same thing. I have never been close enough to a ship underway in the channel to be called names and don't intend to be..... Don't trust their watchkeeping. It would not do my BP any good to be sworn at either!
It's also fairly frightening to see how many yachts that carry various radar reflectors don't register much on my radar.....

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24 Jan 2003
East Coast
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I find the best thing to do to people who make gestures at you on the road (and i freely admit that I am sometimes one of them - as I have to do battle with the M25 twice avery day) is to smile and wave - or (and I am male) blow them a kiss - it gets them all confused!

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30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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There was a series of incidents reported here and elsewhere a couple of years ago of the IOW Wightlink ferries on the Portsmouth - Fishborne route refusing to give way to vessels under sail in the Solent. One of these spoiled my day by simply holding his course in mid Solent, with no other vessels around, half way across, and forcing me to make an emergency gybe all standing to avoid a collision. I could see a bridge officer clearly watching me as they passed at less than 20 feet across my bows.

Apparently they had appointed a couple of new officers who had a different interpretation of Colregs to the rest of us....

Anyone know of any recent episodes? When I crossed that way yesterday I found I was on a standing bearing with their St Faith, but she made a clear and decisive course change to avoid me well before any close quarters situation had developed. You can believe I was all set to take avoiding action myself if need arose...!

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4 Dec 2003
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It’s not just yachts that have trouble getting other vessels to give way. I spend half my life aboard a seismic survey vessel. Other traffic must hate us. We are towing a 8 kilometre cable (about as thick as your arm) This is towed at a depth of 6 metres.
To the casual observer we are around 240m long (that’s all that’s visible) and its not easy trying to convince other traffic that you are a flexible, mostly submerged vessel 8 and a bit kilometres long and that we require at least 5 miles clear CPA astern. All the more confusing if we are half way thru a turn.
As you can imagine we keep a sharp watch on the bridge and via radar and in addition to showing all the lights and day signals to indicate that we are towing and are restricted in are ability to manoeuvre, we also have two chase boats (tug boat type vessels) riding shotgun.
Despite all this, we regularly have to take avoiding action when other shipping fails to acknowledge our presence.
Constant calling on ch 16, firing (white) parachute flares, flashing search lights, sending the chase boats to intervene. You’d be amazed at the amount of large and small ships that do not respond in any way. Colregs seem a million miles from these situations.
Occasionally during the last couple of years our chase boats have been substituted by naval gunboats of whichever country we where working for at the time. Very satisfying to see them get out of the way then.

<hr width=100% size=1>No boat.


Well-known member
3 Jul 2002
At sea somewhere.
Just to emphasise that I wasn't near enough to hear him - I was interpreting his hand gestures and mouthing....

I enjoy life far too much to get too close to big ships if I can help it.

I am also averse to the policy of giving way to everything - that way lies madness and confusion.

(I remember a YM candidate who said he didn't know the fog signals because he never went out in fog, and why should he be too good on the other rules as he always gave way to everything...)

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12 May 2002
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Hi John,
I have been at sea for the last 24 years and let me assure you that it is not just yachts that have trouble with port hand charlies.
I have sailed on various sized bulkers and tankers including gas carriers, The last 12 years on passenger ferries. My present ferry is a brand new state of the art 650foot long monster and we get a port hand charlie standing on I would say at least every week. There are a lot of them. I'm affraid that's life, if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.

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Well-known member
3 Jul 2002
At sea somewhere.
I agree - if you see my bio, you will see that I am professionally involved with the sea in more ways than one. Normally, I carry on about my business at work or pleasure with a fairly laid back attitude to others and their disregard/ignorance of IRPCS. It was the abuse that got me going on this occasion..

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Well-known member
30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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"..he always gave way to everything.."

Hope he failed his exam. One of my riverboat skippers was refused his DOT licence and sacked for making just such a comment. And rightly so, becaue he was putting his boat and passengers at risk by doing so.

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30 May 2001
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Used to get these when in MN and also had similar two weeks ago when I was under Spinnaker and an old FoC OBO just carried on. In my exprience of crossing between IoW and France its 90% follow regs and 10% don't.

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New member
21 Feb 2002
UK, S.Coast
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Doesn't sound like anything has changed over the last 20 years then but in the old days we only had guard boats in the southern N. Sea.

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4 Jul 2001
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