As he popped off last time to spend more time with his family, should we conlcude that his family quickly got fed up with him and have kicked him out of the house (lower case h)
Interviewed on the radio yesterday, he was very much taking the line that our Tone had asked him to come back to see them throught the next election and that, thereafter, all bets were off. We'll see..............
<hr width=100% size=1>Je suis Marxiste - tendance Groucho
I find this a most peculiar situation. His role is to get Labour re-elected, his position is Cabinet ie Executive Government and he is getting paid by the tax payer .. surely there is something far wrong with our constitution which allows such crass conflict of interest?
Yeah, but that's how it's always been. He is, at least, a politician, doing a politician's job. Where it gets really iffy, in my view, is situations where people are appointed to jobs that are ostensibly civil service positions (and therefore supposedly impartial) but perform what is effectively a political role. This has been happening more and more in recent years and, before everyone piles in, the last Tory Government were up to it as much as the current lot (Bernard Ingham's role, for example, was hardly that of an impartial bystander).
Depressing, but difficult to know what can be done about it.
<hr width=100% size=1>Je suis Marxiste - tendance Groucho
John Humphreys asked John Prescott this very question on Today this morning. I can't repeat his answer verbatim but it included lots of "it's perfectly clear" and "now come on John" and was full of his usual bluster (and bull***t).....
Tony C.
<hr width=100% size=1>Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.......
"surely there is something far wrong with our constitution which allows such crass conflict of interest?"
It would be a big help if we had a consitution. I have always been of the impression that we are the only "western" nation without one. It sort of allows people to make up the rules as they go along.
<hr width=100% size=1>Think I'll draw some little rabbits on my head, from a distance they might be mistaken for hairs.