Nav kit questions


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8 Sep 2003
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Following the favourable comments I received about the Monterey 245 as a first boat for someone based in Cowes I want to know what navigation equipment I will need ( I will be doing all the relevant courses prior to buying it!)

1. Chartplotter - I assume these are a must have, can anyone recommend a good one with a decent sized colour screen?

2. Is it better to have a normal depth sounder or a fishfinder type thing that actually gives an image of whats under you?

3. Radar. Do I need radar on a 27ft sportsboat used around the Solent as much of the year as possible? If yes, do I need a radar arch as the Mont doesn't seem to have one.

I will also need relevant paper charts and the skills to use them, anything I've missed navigation-wise?


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16 May 2001
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You ask a very big question with loads of different answers. You can manage with nothing but a radio and a good knowledge of navigation, charts of course. On the other hand it can get foggy whether you are 100yds from home or 100 miles so it could be said that radar is a must have.

I have radar, chart plotter, both depth sounder and fishfinder. ( one works when the other does not)

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23 Aug 2003
Brighton, UK
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I have only just bought a chartplotter after more than a decade manageing without. They do make things much easier and PBO have done an investigation in this or last months edition. (the one I have Navman 5500 was the starbuy).
I dont yet have a radar, and if you are just pottering around the solent, I wouldnt bother for at least the first year - you will have other things to get your head around, and radar can give a false sense of security if you dont know what you are seeing on the screen.
You need charts (- if only around the solent, the admiralty small chart folio is pretty good value for money) and a compass installed on the boat and checked for errors (swung), plus a hand held compass. You would be well advised to have a GPS (I have plotter and an additional hand held GPS)
The boat will need log and echosounder of some type. I am quite happy just having a depth reading (which I use to do a quick check on position from the plotter), but if money is no object (oh how I wish!!!) you could even have a forward looking depth sounder!

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31 Aug 2002
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Would have thought that the boat will come with a speed/distance log and digital depth gauge as standard, plus maybe a compass as well.
All you really need on top of these are a GPS, Charts, Portland Plotter, Dividers and probably a hand bearing compass. A hand held VHF will also suffice for The Solent - ok, its not "navigational"
In 12 yrs coasthopping I've never needed radar or a plotter - nice toys to have though if the cash is available.
If the boat doesn't have a depth gauge then buy a fishfinder as they give far more info than a simple gauge.

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11 Jun 2002
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What size boat does an autopilot become a feature though. Can't see one being practical in mine, and wouldn't have one as steering the bugger through rough water is an art, not a matter of pointing it in a straight line.

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4 Jul 2001
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Autopilot in the Solent!!! Don't think so..../forums/images/icons/crazy.gif

Also Radar not that important, have managed four years in the Solent without having to need one once.

Radio and flares are a must have with Depth sounder and GPS map next on your shopping list. A dinghy to get to all those nice beaches is worth having and also gives a little bit of security just in case something should happen and you need to "jump ship"

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16 Apr 2002
Newfoundland, Canada
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I'dve thought your boat should come with an echo sounder. If not Fishfinder is (perversely) usually a cheaper option and does the job. The traditional answer to GPS is yes get a simple GPS and Charts and do everything with parralell rules, dividers etc etc. Well in a 24ft boat this is less than practical so I would personally go for a plotter as they are (comparitively) cheap these days. However you should learn how to do steam navigation with your chart & dividers etc for when your electrics go on the blink & for passage planning. Don't bother with a radar yet - too complex, not neccessary in the solent 90% of the time and you've got enough to get your head around as it is!


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