I have just ordered a new Gib'sea 43 and accordingly get to choose the name. How can I check if a name is available, I have tried a google without any sucess.
There's no way of knowing for sure until you attempt to the register the name, but a good place to do some prelim checking is the ITU database of ships' names/callsigns which can be found <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.writeforweb.com/twister1>Let's Twist Again
In reality you'd have to be very unlucky to find it taken, as you only need to append ''.. of Hamble' or whatever to your chosen name - and this only applies if you require full registration - SSR doesnt require exclusivity of names.
You cannot use rude, insulting and otherwise derogatory terms / names etc.
Only Full registration requires exclusive names.
You may use the name you want in normal circumstances and SSR.
If you are still sceptical ...... hands up how many boats have been seen with the name Red Lady etc. ? I know of two in adjacent harbours .... and they are regulars out on solent .....
<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.qqbaltic.com/index.html>http://www.qqbaltic.com/index.html</A> For all those disbelievers ! /forums/images/icons/cool.gif
Dont forget when chosing the name, that what looks amusing on the stern, may be embarassing when calling to the coastguard or cause confusion! /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
and it's a good idea to choose a name that doesn't have to be spelt or repeated due to lack of clarity. Tis a bit of a bugger spelling out your boats name to the CG with water lapping around your ankles!
Only need to be unique if registering on part 2. this is more expensive and involves a survey. no longer for life and renewable every five years. telephone registrar shipping and seamen 029 20448800 . i found them very helpful. You can reserve a name for up to 3 months and they will extend this if necessary.incidentally i logged on to itu above and my ships name is not listed despite being registered