The fridge stopped working recently and although it also runs on gas I did'nt fancy that so bought a new one
(price of new fridges heart attack job)
Anyway got the new one in through the side door, disconnected the old one lifted it up galley steps heavy
bugger, into saloon. Tape measure revealed that it would not go through either of the side doors or
the door up to aft deck. And thats just the fridge so replacing the cooker would present same problem as
its bigger than the fridge. Deduced that they must have been installed from new, either through the saloon
roof (removable section for engine replacement) or through central front saloon window.
Chose the latter option by removing the large central window then somehow manhandling this heavy fridge
through window opening. Then having to rebed the window again. About 100 screws and two tubes of mastic
later job done but what a game.
"The Med is calling me"
(price of new fridges heart attack job)
Anyway got the new one in through the side door, disconnected the old one lifted it up galley steps heavy
bugger, into saloon. Tape measure revealed that it would not go through either of the side doors or
the door up to aft deck. And thats just the fridge so replacing the cooker would present same problem as
its bigger than the fridge. Deduced that they must have been installed from new, either through the saloon
roof (removable section for engine replacement) or through central front saloon window.
Chose the latter option by removing the large central window then somehow manhandling this heavy fridge
through window opening. Then having to rebed the window again. About 100 screws and two tubes of mastic
later job done but what a game.
"The Med is calling me"