My weekend


New member
1 Nov 2001
West Sussex, Boat in Chichester
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Hi all,
We've just got back from 2 days crashing around the Solent,
Went from Chichester to 'Puerto Solente' earlier on Saturday, to pick up SWMBO, then off to Lymington to see what was there. I got charged £15 for a short stay berth!! If I had gone up to the Town Quay (in the middle of the town, a good place) It would have been £6. Methinks I got ripped off. Then back to "Puerto Solente" for the night. We were on the same pontoon as Calm Voyager, I thought it would have been a good idea to hook there anchor to the pontoon, and see if they notice.
Then back to Chichester today via Gunwharf. (In a nice strong wind, with Spray going everywhere)

I've bored you enough now.

P.S Depsol, Starbright Water Absorber does work, I drained the Pre filters whenever I could and there was no water or Bug bits. Although I did start both engines with the fuel cocks closed after checking the filters. DOH!!




Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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It will take quite big boats. Not sure what the length limit is. Funnily enough, rarely see motobotties there, only raggies, unless I go with my club, in which case you see dozens of them and certainly had a couple of 30+ footers there in quiet times, but we've only ever done lunch, not overnight.

Easy enough at this time of year, but gets very busy in summer, rafted several deep, so you may have raggies inside who are planning 6am start . Staff are very helpful though, and always worth a try. They will always try to put boats on moorings if the quay is full, and will give taxi rides. Not sure how this works late at night though, as I never had to try.

Great location. Stand on quay facing water, and look left. That's where I'm based. Holler on channel 16 or 77 if you're there, often around weekends and weekday evenings.


New member
25 Sep 2002
Ft Lauderdale Florida
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I didn't see you.... did I?

Left Chichester Friday Morning, heading to Town Quay, they told us to go away so we went to Ocean Village instead (bit of a dump I thought), night out on the town, then Saturday morning over to cowes to do some SHOPPING then up the Medina to Island Harbour Marina for one night. Then back to chich sunday evening just after dark (great sunset).
Great weekend and a few more miles for the log.


Logged Sea Miles wanted for masters. Send PM if your on south coast and want skipper or crew.