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Beware of stray fishing nets off the French coast!!!
Last Saturday while motor sailing on route to St Vaast trouble hit us, first the dreaded fog came down along with a dying of the wind, we were about 30 miles off the French coast, speed was reduced and I posted look outs to check for passing ships (one was spotted about 5 miles away 10 min before the fog descended), all was going well and we were now under motor alone when there was a major crash from what appeared to be the gearbox, shortly after the engine stalled. Looking over the stern a large fishing net extending some 30-foot from the boat could be seen and it was well and truly round the prop.
We were drifting in fog with no wind and a large tide taking us NW back to the shipping lanes.
We saw our options as, send a man over to check the prop and try to clear which I decided against due to the amount of net we were trailing and the obvious safety risk, wait for the wind which I decided against due to the forecast which was not hopeful or call for assistance which I did, my Pan Pan was answered by the French coast guard who send out the lifeboat to tow us to Cherbourg. 5 hours later we arrived at Cherbourg to be presented with a 2,700 Euro charge. I have discussed this with my insurance company who are indicating that I am covered. The net was removed by a diver but with air and the correct knives it took him 15 min to clear it, the net was massive and covered by weed so it had been in the sea for some time, however on our return last night we spotted yet another net all be it smaller but in the same general area of the channel.
I suggest you ALL beware if you are crossing the channel this summer.
Finally what would you people have done? That was my first and I trust only Pan Pan but am not sure what else I could have done in the circumstances. I would say a British yachtsman in St Vaast did tell one of my crew that he listened to my Pan Pan he could have offered some assistance!
Del Buoy (pleased to be home).
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Last Saturday while motor sailing on route to St Vaast trouble hit us, first the dreaded fog came down along with a dying of the wind, we were about 30 miles off the French coast, speed was reduced and I posted look outs to check for passing ships (one was spotted about 5 miles away 10 min before the fog descended), all was going well and we were now under motor alone when there was a major crash from what appeared to be the gearbox, shortly after the engine stalled. Looking over the stern a large fishing net extending some 30-foot from the boat could be seen and it was well and truly round the prop.
We were drifting in fog with no wind and a large tide taking us NW back to the shipping lanes.
We saw our options as, send a man over to check the prop and try to clear which I decided against due to the amount of net we were trailing and the obvious safety risk, wait for the wind which I decided against due to the forecast which was not hopeful or call for assistance which I did, my Pan Pan was answered by the French coast guard who send out the lifeboat to tow us to Cherbourg. 5 hours later we arrived at Cherbourg to be presented with a 2,700 Euro charge. I have discussed this with my insurance company who are indicating that I am covered. The net was removed by a diver but with air and the correct knives it took him 15 min to clear it, the net was massive and covered by weed so it had been in the sea for some time, however on our return last night we spotted yet another net all be it smaller but in the same general area of the channel.
I suggest you ALL beware if you are crossing the channel this summer.
Finally what would you people have done? That was my first and I trust only Pan Pan but am not sure what else I could have done in the circumstances. I would say a British yachtsman in St Vaast did tell one of my crew that he listened to my Pan Pan he could have offered some assistance!
Del Buoy (pleased to be home).
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