Bought a new pair of Musto deck shoes, the leather ones with the unusual lacing (4 stainless steel holes and a webbing eye per side, supposed to prevent laces loosening I think), selling off cheap as they are last season's design. Seemed fine in the shop, but I am finding them extrordinarily uncomfortable to walk in - they rub badly at the Achilles tendon and eventually drew blood after 15 minutes walking. They are too high at the heel and the leather/internal stiffening is too stiff in this area. Comparing mine with others of the same design in a second chandelry I find that mine seem to be unique! The others have nice soft leather around the achilles tendon and do not reach so far up the heel.
Has anyone had a similar problem with their Mustos? I will probably end up sending mine back - blood stains and all!
Has anyone had a similar problem with their Mustos? I will probably end up sending mine back - blood stains and all!