Mr Cassandra


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26 Jan 2004
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I known Bob for some years first met in in person about seven years ago, and although some here never got on with him, his a really nice down to earth guy.
I did PM him but haven't got a reply back,
I did wonder if he become another victim of the new stupid rules and also been ban like a few others have.
I hope he ok and well but it's not like him to be quiet for so long.
I lost he email address if your reading this Bob and can't reply , if still have mine email drop me a email .


Well-known member
6 Sep 2001
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I known Bob for some years first met in in person about seven years ago, and although some here never got on with him, his a really nice down to earth guy.
I did PM him but haven't got a reply back,
I did wonder if he become another victim of the new stupid rules and also been ban like a few others have.
I hope he ok and well but it's not like him to be quiet for so long.
I lost he email address if your reading this Bob and can't reply , if still have mine email drop me a email .
Yes Bob is a good guy, had a good time sailing with him and his family in Greece.


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6 Sep 2001
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Well the good news is he well,
Just like many others he got a bit fed up the way ybw going and I can't blame him,
We lost so many good members here lately some ban for no more then their views others just can't be bothered to post for the back stabbing that goes on.

Anyway it's really good he reply to me and his ok.
That's good news sav, he has been on ybw since back in the 90's well before the lounge existed


Well-known member
23 Jul 2005
South London
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Hello all thanks for the interest, unfortunately after 30 +years on here the managment in my opinion have taken the life out of the forum . (...)
Things are now such that even posting that could get you a ban.

There have always been T&Cs here but there now seems to be an increasing and unpleasant eagerness on the part of some to look out for and report posts they object to. Once that has been done the moderators have little choice but to act on it.
Happy New Year to you.
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Things are now such that even posting that could get you a ban.

There have always been T&Cs here but there now seems to be an increasing and unpleasant eagerness on the part of some to look out for and report posts they object to. Once that has been done the moderators have little choice but to act on it.
Happy New Year to you.
Couldn't agree more it clearly seen some are just out to get others who disagree with them or who they had words with,

Ybw maybe keep in mind the own reason they get revenue from the site is because we all keep it going,
Without us all there no forum and without interesting posting there also no forum .

There very few now who contribute to the Liveaboard forum just look back over this year, it's the same Doz and the odd newcomer who post once and never heard from again.
Remove tho hand full that keep it going and there won't be a liveaboard forum.

Some will say ybw are given us a free platform to use,
Personally if there wasn't money to be made there be no platform.
Sorry for the rant guys but too many are now leaving which is a real shame that people won't in the future have people who have got experience to answer any question they looking for answers.

I myself have reduced my posting and came very close to delete my account this year.
Probably after this posting I won't need to.


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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it is free, to us, but there are costs and somehow they have to be paid. Sadly if you want a forum someone needs to fork out some cash to support it. The outcome is the 'owners' need to monetise it, somehow. As Vic says we are the product, our posts keep it running. I have fallen foul of the Mods but I find YBW a better platform that some other forum where the forum are a profit centre, a business - and as all business with a focus on bottom line. On other forum I was constantly harassed to pay as a commercial member as it was suggested my posts were enhancing my reputation. A manufacturer was told that if they joined as a commercial member they would be supported and protected from some criticism - so much for independence. I have been damned on an American forum for finding fault with the product of one manufacturer and categorised as having a grudge - the fact that product is repetitively at fault is ignored - members on YBW take an entirely balanced view (though National loyalties may play a role)..

My views on using the forum as a promotional vehicle for a business are well known, I have not changed those views - but I do try to suppress them.

On balance I'm happy to try to work within the constraints allowed on YBW - though - stepping onto thin ice - I wish that some of the ambiguity was removed.

Covid has been a ,major constraint and possibly a larger constraint for liveaboards than the rest of us. I have found it difficult to have some testing conducted - so Covid has clipped my wings somewhat. Both factors may have reduced activity - as constant posts on the issues imposed by Covid would become repetitive and depressing.

Hopefully we can look forward to a better year next year, In the meantime - watch the fireworks in Sydney - the crowds will be less but the display should be as cheerful as ever. Despite Covid the Sydney/Hobart race worked out - and was temporary respite from Covid numbers. But it would not be cricket to talk about other events :)

Take care, stay safe.

Best wishes for 2022.

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Well-known member
29 Jul 2007
Sailing the Aegean
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Couldn't agree more it clearly seen some are just out to get others who disagree with them or who they had words with,

Ybw maybe keep in mind the own reason they get revenue from the site is because we all keep it going,
Without us all there no forum and without interesting posting there also no forum .

There very few now who contribute to the Liveaboard forum just look back over this year, it's the same Doz and the odd newcomer who post once and never heard from again.
Remove tho hand full that keep it going and there won't be a liveaboard forum.

Some will say ybw are given us a free platform to use,
Personally if there wasn't money to be made there be no platform.
Sorry for the rant guys but too many are now leaving which is a real shame that people won't in the future have people who have got experience to answer any question they looking for answers.

I myself have reduced my posting and came very close to delete my account this year.
Probably after this posting I won't need to.
Hello all thanks for the interest, unfortunately after 30 +years on here the managment in my opinion have taken the life out of the forum . And i find little of interest across the forum.
I am a permanent livaboard in Greece.
May I wish you a Happy New Year

Pleased to hear your well Bob, are you back on Aegina or wintering elsewhere?

Unfortunately by the nature of what we do or have done sailing wise, we are all probably getting on a bit and like everything else that's happening out in the world we don't particular like having to conform to such modern ways as, the snowflake generation, wokeness, cancel culture, authoritarianism etc. etc.
All these modern cultures are creeping into our daily lives in all sorts of areas and that's quite possibly including this and other forums and their management.

We all come on here to learn or pass on our knowledge but this does not mean it's correct, it's ones opinion from their experiences and this can or is some cases needs challenging.
Because someone is challenged does not mean they are looking for a bun fight, it may be they don't fully understand or have a different view and we should be free to have the right to reply.

I think most on here are thick skinned enough to take criticism or to be challenged but this needs to be without getting too rude or/and abusive. There is also the tendency to go off tack or flog a dead horse on a lot of topics which just makes a mess of what the OP was trying to ask.

Yes it's very annoying when new members come along and ask a question then when others go to all sorts of trouble to give lengthy and detailed replies they just disappear without thanks or kiss my ****, but I think this is just the nature of the beast, blame this on the social media culture.

Like Vic I apologies for the rant but I just feel it's wrong for anyone feeling they can't air their views without getting penalised, just my opinion guys.

Stay safe and healthy in 2022