When the new CEO of Granada Motorway services discovered that the business was in decline because of damning reviews of the food by Egon Ronay inspectors guess who he hired to improve things... yes that's right Egon Ronay. Bill has to be the RYA's harshest critic on this site for at least 2 years now, he is so clearly desperate to run the RYA.
Mr Carr should be smart and hire Bill to run the organisation.Hire a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend because he has more to prove.
I vote Bill Cooper for next top man at the RYA. His new book will be called Sail up and Takeover.
Mr Carr should be smart and hire Bill to run the organisation.Hire a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend because he has more to prove.
I vote Bill Cooper for next top man at the RYA. His new book will be called Sail up and Takeover.