Having experienced my boat going walkabout for the second time in as many years, I think it time I ask what other folks use to mouse their mooring schackles.
My boat is moored via a large concrete sinker which has chain embeded within.
The chain riser is connected via a shackle to sinker chain. The shackle has been moused with polypropelene, but the schackle pin has undone itself on two occasions, - fortunately I was sat in the cockpit when it happened today....
There is a swivel at the top of the chain riser which terminates in a rope strop.
Any comments as to suitability of monel wire, cable ties etc would be appreciated.
Thanks in anticipation,
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My boat is moored via a large concrete sinker which has chain embeded within.
The chain riser is connected via a shackle to sinker chain. The shackle has been moused with polypropelene, but the schackle pin has undone itself on two occasions, - fortunately I was sat in the cockpit when it happened today....
There is a swivel at the top of the chain riser which terminates in a rope strop.
Any comments as to suitability of monel wire, cable ties etc would be appreciated.
Thanks in anticipation,
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