New member
At long last his persistence has paid off. After all the struggles MG has finally triumphed in a solo Open 60.
At 6h24'10'', he drifted across the line at La Rochelle in what the French described as an 'glacial draught' of wind. Thompson and Riou are trading places all the way to the line - another stunning performance.
Link <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.defi-atlantique.org/fr/?p=news&id=act8-171203-065219>here - French only as the translators arent up and about.</A>
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.mikegolding.com/uk/default.asp>Golding's</A> own site hasn't caught up yet!
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At 6h24'10'', he drifted across the line at La Rochelle in what the French described as an 'glacial draught' of wind. Thompson and Riou are trading places all the way to the line - another stunning performance.
Link <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.defi-atlantique.org/fr/?p=news&id=act8-171203-065219>here - French only as the translators arent up and about.</A>
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.mikegolding.com/uk/default.asp>Golding's</A> own site hasn't caught up yet!
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