Anyone have any thoughts on the format for this year. It certainly appears to break away from the previous successful format.
I seem to recall some postings a few months ago about the participation of smaller craft. It would seem that this is the chosen direction. Perhaps this also indicates the likely content of the magazine in the future?
While it is easy the justify a change, or for that matter no change. Why do this, bearing in mind the enthusiastic comments and justifications in previous issues of the magazine?
Or (tongue in cheak) does the 'senior magazine' (No not Boat International) at the behest of IPC, only want small craft dealt with by MBM.
On my last NHS astrologers appointment, it was predicted that if a trailer could not be made for Calm Voyager, the two magazines would swop boats. In the future, one boat is to be made to satisfy all forums and all magazines. Apparently the project is called Dromedary-Platypus, can't figure out why!
Any views appreciated - Normally a sad 'lurker'
I seem to recall some postings a few months ago about the participation of smaller craft. It would seem that this is the chosen direction. Perhaps this also indicates the likely content of the magazine in the future?
While it is easy the justify a change, or for that matter no change. Why do this, bearing in mind the enthusiastic comments and justifications in previous issues of the magazine?
Or (tongue in cheak) does the 'senior magazine' (No not Boat International) at the behest of IPC, only want small craft dealt with by MBM.
On my last NHS astrologers appointment, it was predicted that if a trailer could not be made for Calm Voyager, the two magazines would swop boats. In the future, one boat is to be made to satisfy all forums and all magazines. Apparently the project is called Dromedary-Platypus, can't figure out why!
Any views appreciated - Normally a sad 'lurker'