MBM Cruise


23 Jul 2001
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Anyone have any thoughts on the format for this year. It certainly appears to break away from the previous successful format.
I seem to recall some postings a few months ago about the participation of smaller craft. It would seem that this is the chosen direction. Perhaps this also indicates the likely content of the magazine in the future?
While it is easy the justify a change, or for that matter no change. Why do this, bearing in mind the enthusiastic comments and justifications in previous issues of the magazine?
Or (tongue in cheak) does the 'senior magazine' (No not Boat International) at the behest of IPC, only want small craft dealt with by MBM.
On my last NHS astrologers appointment, it was predicted that if a trailer could not be made for Calm Voyager, the two magazines would swop boats. In the future, one boat is to be made to satisfy all forums and all magazines. Apparently the project is called Dromedary-Platypus, can't figure out why!
Any views appreciated - Normally a sad 'lurker'


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30 May 2001
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Never cruised in company but enjoy reading the reports.

I am curious about the concept of one way cruises - does this mean that we all move to another port and stay there? I usually try and get back if at all possible, very inconvenient otherwise. If I did that too often would eventually forget where I had left my boat. Seems that if you want to return to where you started in company of fellow MBM cruisers you'll have to do a circumcision of the country!!


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Well I was going to answer but was not to sure what the question was. Or were they muliple questions. Anyway I have'nt read the article.

I thought Kimatola said last year. That they did'nt take small boats on long cruises. Which makes alot of sence.

Also circumcisions are a sort of one way cruise!!

This must be a new idea, Maybe a way of getting back at us all.
Join the MBY cruise. Get taken some where strange. Then all bugger off and leave us stranded!!



Agree the one way cruises sound strange. I've never yet been on an MBM cruise but as I'm back on the
Thames at the moment I fancy the 27 July to 5th Aug Belguim via Ramsgate leaving from Teddington
cruise. Think I'll sign up



I'm a little bit confused about the cruise format my self. When the timetable was published I fancied the weekend Wales to Dublin trip, but having read the discription in this months MBM I am now worried about failing the homework bit and being left in some sheep infested part of Wales to learn about lights and rules and stuff. ( Before I get shot down I've got Powerboat 2, ICC and Day skipper its just that these days its a lot easier- and probably more accurate- to let the electronics take the strain).

I like the cruises in company but I partly do them because there is safety in numbers, my single petrol engined 'lake boat' has never inspired me to make long unaccompanied offshore passages (Although its never let me down) .If we actually get to Dublin do we come back on our own?


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14 Oct 2001
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I have never been tempted myself. Unless I'm wrong, you pay £200+
and you still have to pay moorings etc: So whats the £200 for ? seems a lot if it's just for admin. Also if event called off, you only get a partial refund.

Perhaps someone could enlighten me.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: circumnavigation, perhaps

Not circumcision, ljs?

Actually, would have thought that a one-way cruise recognises the actualité - the cruise normally says go here here here here here and then at last there. Final days: make yer way home,,,cept for some gits with loads of holidays who stay out, some who fly back and bring it back later, some who go fast and others who go the same speed for a bit and then nip off somewhere else cos that seemed nice....which all be a bit of a nightmare for the "lead" boat who wouldn't quite know whats going on, and might cross back home over the channel, only to hear a call for the engineery chap back near the start of the way home? So, better to officially have the end of the cruise at the distant spot, then orgainsers not "on the hook" for all returning.

also also.. allowd lead boat to clear off to start of somewhere else, so it yer look at the plan, bet it makes a sensible plan if one boat tried to do the lot?


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Cant say I've ever fancied the cruising in company thingy.
Have you ever tride to get half a dozen cars loaded up with people for a day out. all set off and follow each other all day.
Just getting all the women ready at the same time is a night mare!
Now setting off and meeting up with others some place. Thats fine. But turning round to see why some body has stopped, changed direction or whatever. Only to discover they'd stopped for a pee.



11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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no such problem with a boat tho? the wife is in bed down below, and so is the bog.

It can be quite fun, as long as you don't expect to make total lifelong friend with everyone, and provided you don't get too narked at how very old/young/boring/stupid/haughty/lowlifey that other lot seem to be who have exactly the same boat as your own. Otherwsie, bit like forum innit?


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14 Oct 2001
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Yeh, my thoughts exactly. Not to mention the different cruising speeds of different boats, some getting left behind, others having to wait.
Anyone been on these cruises, and are they like that ?


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: circumnavigation, perhaps

AAh- So!
Not much use for newbies then, as I said earlier.
Taken away to distant port, and then left there to sort themselves out. And relieving MBY of responcibility.
All sounds a bit iffy. To go some place that you would not normaly think you or boat were capable of. Then negotiate strange harbour and channels to get ones self back home.



11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: dunno

Usually, they come back in gangs.

...and anyway, they aren't anyone's "responsibility" really, when at sea, cept the skipper. the skipper can'rt complain that it was rough and "they set off and we didn't like and they shd have known" or whatever -cos they're the skipper, not Kim or whoever. So, not for total newbie imho, but for the cautious, and natch for the company etc.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Re: circumnavigation, perhaps

But that's the fun of exploring new places. Once you're in getting out should be easier. Admit I would have some reservations, but then I enjoy cruising alone, my first trip to Alderney I did without any crew and loved it. Great meal in the First and Last where I met 2 guys who have a mooring just a few hundred yards from my own in the Exe, had never met them before, small world really. Main problem was that at that time had no auto pilot so was rather tiring, but a trip never to be forgotten.

Now where was I, trying to make some point or other but forgotten what it was. Maybe that new places all part of the fun, getting there and back safely. Also means you probably take more note of safety/servicing issues.

BTW Haydn, you must be an unlucky bugger, I've done probably 2500 hours in the last 10 years and have only ever suffered one breakdown - fuel lift pump went, nowt I could do about that - all with single engined boat. Now that's for another fred.

Now must go and touch biggest piece of wood I can find!!!!!!!


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: circumnavigation, perhaps

Ah yes John I agree with all. But I was looking at it from a newbie position. Not from my own.
Other point about break downs. You've been verry lucky. IMHO. Last year alone. Bag or what ever under both intakes in tight spot in Plymouth harbour. Single handed. Rescued by passing police boat in nick of time. Gear box broke, Fuel pipe broke. Water/muck in diesel. Thats four times last year. Most could not have been prevented. Dont forget most people with small boats carry a spare outboard.



Re: circumnavigation, perhaps

I think you have sort of missed the point about the cruises in company, I'm not a newbie to boating (been at it since I was 6!) but cruising the longer sea passages with other boats gives a certain amount of back up. I'm quite happy to take on open water passages of up to 150 miles but its nice to see another boat when you cant see the green bits anymore.

Matt is right you probably wont meet any life long freinds on a cruise in company, but you do meet a cross section of people that you are happy to have a beer with if you turn up in there home marina at sometime in the future.

Deleted User YDKXO

According to Oberfuhrer Hollamby, the new format is supposed to attract newcomers to the cruising in company thing but quite how its supposed to do that by dumping them in some far flung port without a leader to shepherd them home, I dont quite know. Seems like a wheeze to wangle another round Britain cruise for MBM high-ups to me
We did a few MBM cruises in the early 90's and found them a great way to gain experience especially the scary first time across the Channel bit. With berthing and fueling arrangements being taken care of by the organisers, it does take much of the hassle out of cruising and the social side can be a hoot, unless of course you're an unsociable old git like ljs(!)
Note to tcm. We met some peeps on our first MBM cruise who've become v. good mates since, so it is possible