Maybe the world isn't so mad after all! NB


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30 May 2001
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Maybe the world isn\'t so mad after all! NB

So the couple suing Safeway for causing injury to their Daschund by not properly posting their latest offers through their letterbox have lost their case. Claimed injury to the dog as it jumped to try and reach the leaflet.

However he did point out the dangeer of junk mail, could easily step on it when opening the front door and slip and injure oneself. Very dangerous stuff all this post!

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27 Mar 2002
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Re: Maybe the world isn\'t so mad after all! NB

Ah, but the case wasn't lost because it was a ridiculous, american style claim. The reason for the claim being thrown out (at leat according to the Independent) was that several other companies had posted junk mail through the letter box at the same time, and so it couldn't be proved that it was the safeways leaflet that had caused the dog to hurt itself.

So maybe the world is mad after all.

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4 Jun 2001
East Sussex
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Re: Maybe the world isn\'t so mad after all! NB

The yanks started all this 'compensation culture' of suing for everything. Very interesting programme on R4 the other day where it which showed that it is all backfiring on the trivial claimers (which included an instance of a school board in the US being sued for not closing a school when a throat infection ran riot - hardly life-threatening!) because GPs are giving up medicine in certain area as claims are forcing insurance through the roof. Result - no GPs for miles!. Are we next?. As usual.

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