Maybe it's time to admit defeat?

22 Apr 2009
Just driftin
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Old Harry's doing a great job but according to the Yachting Monthly it sounds like only a matter of time before scrubbing off is banned unless we are prepared to pay 250 quid or so a go.Dying seahorses are so prevalent in Studland Bay that the gasses they give off are destabilizing boats & good old Niel is still pushing the idea of destroying the charm & character of our beautiful Bays & inlets by covering them in "eco friendly mooring buoys."
I was so angry & then peed off reading the Yachting Monthly that I might give it a miss in the future.It's getting depressing like reading the daily papers.
22 Apr 2009
Just driftin
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Just shows you shouldn't put too much credence on YM's news hounds being up-to-date. My I offer you BMF Article to allay your paranoia?

You can & thanks for that.I would'nt describe it as paranoia just mounting depression at all the mounting conservation nonsense.Looks like damn irresponsible journalism to me!

Now if I could be reassured that my rights & interests not to mention quality of life were at least equal to some obscure mud worm I might even feel less likely to kill the next conservationist I come across :rolleyes:


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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careful, the conservationists are so touchy - and devious - they may actually use that casual, flippant remark as ammo.

They're already making wild claims about motor boats trying to run down divers ( no mention of the fact a diver on the surface is nigh on invisible, and where was the buoy with flag 'A' ?! ) and nasty boaters move their markers - more like they were insecure, but truth has never unduly bothered this lot, as we know.

Rest assured a lot is happening behind the scenes, can't say any more at the moment but you will probably be very pleasantly surprised at the extent things have got to...:)
22 Apr 2009
Just driftin
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careful, the conservationists are so touchy - and devious - they may actually use that casual, flippant remark as ammo.

They're already making wild claims about motor boats trying to run down divers ( no mention of the fact a diver on the surface is nigh on invisible, and where was the buoy with flag 'A' ?! ) and nasty boaters move their markers - more like they were insecure, but truth has never unduly bothered this lot, as we know.

Rest assured a lot is happening behind the scenes, can't say any more at the moment but you will probably be very pleasantly surprised at the extent things have got to...:)

Thanks seajet but I think the temptation to pee in the water if I were to see good old Niel swim by would be irresistible.......& I do intend to try & make Studland this summer ;)


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26 Jul 2007
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I'd never heard of studland until all this massive deal, as I shall be passing this summer I will be making a point of anchoring there!
Maybe with a farmers plow or something like that :D Edit: Just to clarify, that's a joke!
Last edited:


New member
14 Oct 2006
- up to my neck in it.
Porth Dinllaen on the Llyn Peninsula (N coast) is the next no boating target. They are already referreing to "mistakes made at Studland" and there are references to threads on hear where boaters are said "to be very angry & aggressive".

So please moderate your comments, your joke can easily be quoted as a threat. Sorry, but we need to be aware of how some people choose to distort the facts to suit their case.


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20 Apr 2002
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Porth Dinllaen on the Llyn Peninsula (N coast) is the next no boating target.

More of a worry is that seahorses have discovered that a marina is a prime site.

BBC nat history programme, sea shore ?, had a film of them swiming around the floats on the marina fingers. As the water flows in and out twice a day, so does there food supply, plus it is a nice sheltered area from tide and waves.

Could they be the next target for a ban on boats ?



Well-known member
6 Jun 2001
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I'd never heard of studland until all this massive deal, as I shall be passing this summer I will be making a point of anchoring there!
Maybe with a farmers plow or something like that :D

Hey don't be too greedy.......I need some fresh eel grass too to fry up with the fresh fish I catch....Maybe Seahorses for appetisers:D


Well-known member
30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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DEFRA has apparently backed down on the scrubbing off nonsense, after YM went to press. But that doesnt mean they have let it go altogether, simply the scheme the originally cooked up was proved to be unworkable. its only time before they revamp it to work, I reckon.
22 Apr 2009
Just driftin
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I hope to get there too, we'll have to keep tabs on when we're going.

My whole attitude to sailing is not to set deadlines or have complicated plans in advance so it ai'nt going to be easy seajet.Still a lovely settled period like we have at the moment but with very few other people about would be wonderful.....I shall look out for you ;)
22 Apr 2009
Just driftin
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Porth Dinllaen on the Llyn Peninsula (N coast) is the next no boating target. They are already referreing to "mistakes made at Studland" and there are references to threads on hear where boaters are said "to be very angry & aggressive".

So please moderate your comments, your joke can easily be quoted as a threat. Sorry, but we need to be aware of how some people choose to distort the facts to suit their case.

I wish I could be so sanguine searush.These "conservationists" are making bogus claims right left & center it seems to me.Don't get me wrong I love nature & go out of my way to protect it but the very word conservationist is starting to act like a red rag to a bull.


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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As Searush mentioned, these forums are being used by the conservationist lobby in Wales now as an example of 'angry intransigence' !

I've seen the quotes they are using, and they are actually very mild and I think well put, so hopefully anyone with a brain reading them will see that.

It does show the mindset of these people though, anyone disagreeing with them is rated on the same level as Pol Pot; isn't it a general guideline emerging nowadays in intelligent society that the first person who says something like " tha Nazi's would have said that " has lost the argument ?!

There's nothing at all wrong with real conservationists - but there's a great deal wrong with people seeking to make a well paid career out of hype, playing on misguided and deliberately mis-informed sentiment.

I've just had a thought; the entire world is down to its' last 'seajet' !

Please give generously to this worthy cause, seajets preferred habitat is a secure sheltered mooring off a sandy beach.

They can be social animals if encouraged, so a pub should be built close to the beach; to ensure seajets thrive and are not lost to future generations, a breeding programme should be set up, this will require an Aston Martin as part of the complicated courtship rituals.

Please give generously - you can 'adopt a seajet', a signed photo and progress reports will be sent upon receipt of your account details and pin number...
22 Apr 2009
Just driftin
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There's nothing at all wrong with real conservationists - but there's a great deal wrong with people seeking to make a well paid career out of hype, playing on misguided and deliberately mis-informed sentiment.

I think you've hit the nail right on the head there seaget.The last straw for me is the proposal to limit boating on the North East corner of the Isle of Wight for the reasons I have heard here....I can simply find no excuse for that sort of selfishness :mad: