Marine - wind and the battle for sleep!


16 Oct 2012
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Hello again, I'm guessing this is the age old question but I'm currently based in a south coast marine which isn't very wind sheltered and gets pretty hammered.
Are there any tips for getting a good night sleep? haha
So far I've managed to stop the ropes from slapping on the mast and lube up squeeky ropes, but as for the constant rocking , I'm all out of ideas :confused:


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26 Jan 2004
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Other then getting the boat hauled out each night , I don't thnk there much more you can do about rocking , but please let us know if you stop the boat moving , we all love to know , then we can all get a good night sleep .not that I have many bad nights .


16 Oct 2012
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I don't mind the rocking too much it's more the sudden jolting- but I've done a bit of research and I think I've sorted that now :) "Shockles Line Snubber"


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21 Mar 2005
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How about a Hammock

I did try a hammock out once sailing in a rolling sea...

my god it did aft make me sea sick
so got no kippie bi bi's that night either :ambivalence:

A bottle of whiskey works :encouragement:


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27 Nov 2013
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I like the rocking. We use springs, don't have the lines too tight and turn the bow to face into the wind if it's going to be rough.


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6 Apr 2011
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Yep: Snubber is what you need. There's the sort with the coiled springs and the sort made of rubber. I have the latter kind. If you can only afford one, where you put it depends on where you sleep. I'm in an aft cabin pointing north so snatching on the stern line is what annoys me the times I've over-tightened my secondary (non-subbed) line (worst winds here are of course generally, as today, from sw)

Agree the snatching is annoying, but I find the rocking quite comforting :).


5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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Very funny Richard , I see your on form , have you left that Marina or you planning to spend the summer finding job to do ?

I'm back home now having spent two weeks working on her but didn't actually get the chance to leave Marina Kremik as the wind howled every day. Most unusual as in the summer we don't get enough wind most days. Didn't really bother me as I got through a lot of jobs so when we go down at the end of June for a month or so we can immediately head north for Venice!

Chris (Braehouse) is down there on his new boat at the moment. It's good to know someone else in the same marina as we can keep an occasional eye on each other boats although the marina staff at Kremik are on the ball.

We called into Marina Agana by car whilst we were there to say hello to The Moorings / Sunsail team who we know well and have completely taken over the entire marina. It's now the largest base after Road Town in the BVIs. The Manager was telling us that a couple of weeks ago there was a huge storm - the worst he has ever known with winds over 200 kph - and some of the pontoons at Agana had broken free and the boats were careering across the marina still tied to the pontoon. Quite a few were damaged and one motorboat was totally destroyed.

When we arrived at our boat the marina staff had fixed on extra lines, which I thought was a bit strange until I caught up with the storm news!



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26 Jan 2004
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That's all you needed ,200kph winds , I think I rather not know , then hearing about them when I thousands of miles away for my boat .
Venice is lovely has you prob know we pop over last year , anchored in the lagoon oppsit Burano , very peaceful at night but like being in the middle of a race track due in the day time .
Enjoy it , if your taken the kids they love it lots to see , if it just the wife , very romantic , just keep the nosie down at night so not to ruin the silence of the lagoon , :)
Have a good summer , we might come back for another season in croatia next year .
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5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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as you prob know we pop over last year , anchored in the lagoon oppsit Burano , very peaceful at night but like being in the middle of a race track due in the day time .

Thanks Vic.

Did you cover Venice in your Adriatic guide? I don't remember you doing so but I am looking for information. I have found virtually nothing on the web about anchoring in the lagoon and, as there are no anchoring symbols on my Navionics charts, I had come to the conclusion that it must be prohibited ..... but obviously not.

There is nothing about anchoring in JimB's guide either. I've not studied my cruising books yet but if you can guide me towards anything you've written that would be very helpful.

Many thanks



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4 May 2015
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I am not Vic, but I was born and raised in Venice and I do have some local knowledge.

The official version is: as a boat not owned by a resident, you can only sail in a relatively small subset of the canals and it's absolutely not allowed to weigh anchor anywhere.

The actual version is: there are some areas, notably by the island of Poveglia, where anchoring is tolerated - but you're at risk if the coast guard or police decide they need to make an example of a few boaters, which occasionally happens. There are a few other areas where one will occasionally see a boat anchored, the area around Torcello being perhaps worthy of mention, but keep in mind what I mentioned about the local police.


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26 Jan 2004
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Richard , sorry no we didn't add Venice to our Croatia guide , there no problem anchoring out of the channel at Lido you will see quite a few do , or by the Marina at Lio Grando or Fiorira but we found the best place is just opposite Burano , your a cat so you be ok , we have a draft of 2 mts so we had to make sure we got the tides right , at time we only had .02 under the keel , at LWS , then it just a short dinghy ride to the ferry stop that will take you to Venice , we did see a few dinghy in Venice but I wouldn't fancy it , there lots of ferry and boat wash plus it you could have a problem there .
We not had a problem we local police as it happen in all the time we was there and we visit quite a few island we never seen any police other then in Venice , just don't leave the dinghy where it clear the mooring is for a local boat . And make sure you anchor out of the channel enjoy .
We explored some of the island by dinghy while leaving the yacht at anchor but do mind the ferrys and work boats as they speed past .
Ifabio .....
I think you find there a different between anchoring in Venice and the small canal and anchoring off the main channels in the lagoon , has you said your was born there and a local so maybe you have more info then I do , I can only speak from my experience ( 2014 ) and what I know other have done before us , as in 15 odd personal friends yacht , so far no one have had any problem , I also know that as you said it is prohibit to anchor in Venice it self but again I did see two yacht did so but that is pushing ones luck ,
Most people who have had dealing with Italy CG know very well their are a law of there own and can I ply the law the way they wish too, good example ,Messina straits and the rule for sailing out side the shipping lanes . Personal we always find the CG and police ok but then we don't have any problems with Italians and found most to be very kind and nice people , even it now and the one get their bum pinch , I just wish they didnt keep doing it to me .
Sorry for high jacking the thread .
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Spi D

25 Jul 2011
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I've always used Snubbers (rubber) on all lines. This year replaced all lines with Liros Handy Elastic and now enjoy the smoothest movements ever.

Highly recommeded.