MARINA SANT'ANDREA Italy and Marano Lagoon any Info


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18 May 2005
Winter Midlands Warwickshire Summer living aboard
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Hello all

Does anyone know this Marina and location for potentially staying as live aboard for a season. Looks fairly isolated from nearest town of San Giorgio di Nogaro, provisions etc but does seem to have a decent yard and facilities to Med prep a boat I am looking at. What is Lagoon like for sailing and coastal hops guess towards Venice, Gulf Of Trieste and Northern Croatia.

I appreicate summer will potentially be an invasion of German and Italian owners and weekenders but this will be my first boat and want to have marina berth for the first year so willing to put up with that.

Any help advice and guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks



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23 Aug 2002
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Yes, I live quite nearby. I have no knowledge of the marina itself, but am confident that it will be secure and the staff competent. However, bear in mind that it is located in an industrial area miles from anywhere, and with probably no bus service (at least not outside working hours). San Giorgio is no great shakes, either; Marano is a pretty fishing village but without a car you can't get there; further away, Lignano is a large seaside resort mostly deserted out of season, while Grado is by far the prettiest place around, and with a life of its own throughout the year. San Giorgio is connected to Trieste and Venice by train.
The lagoon is no good for sailing (as in with sails: not sufficient depth), but well worth exploring in a small motor boat. Leaving aside considerations of cost, in terms of location of berth I would prefer Grado (regular links by bus to Monfalcone whence train, and by boat in summer to Trieste), which offers restaurants, history and a nice place for a weekend. It's also much closer to the airport (Ryanair to Stansted), located outside Monfalcone. Alternatively, go for Monfalcone itself, where there are many yards and you will find other liveaboards. These yards include Hannibal and Nautec, both with onsite restaurants, Ocean, Cadei, Crackboat, all within 5 minutes' walk of Nautec. All with skilled workforce. And Trieste is just 20 minutes away.
In terms of having a berth with access to skilled labour and chandleries, I would choose Monfalcone; if a location which is also a nice place in which to spend some time, Grado (where there are two marinas). Another option is Aquileia marina, just outside Aquileia, itself of great interest (second largest Roman city in Italy in its prime), but the marina is rather out in the middle of nowhere.
Happy to expand further if you wish!


Active member
31 Jan 2008
Lucian says it all really. I can only endorse his recommendation for Grado, a great town and seaport that will still have some life during the non-tourist, winter months.

I am berthed in Aprilia Marittima, very close to Sant Andrea, the latter is in an industrial zone, pretty dead and depressing even in summer, I dread to think what winter would be like. It is a long haul to reach the open sea at Porto Buso through the lagoon channels - a disadvantage I share with 5nm from my marina to the Lignano entrance. The upside to that is very good protection from storm surges.


5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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It's not the invasion of boaties that you need to be aware of ....... but the invasion of mosquitoes in the Marano Lagoon! :ambivalence:

We were anchored there overnight last month on the way to Venice and the mosquito clouds which descend in the evening are like nothing I've ever seen before. The stangest thing was that in the morning when the weighed anchor the entire deck of the boat was still covered with snoozing mozzies. As we left the lagoon there were taking off and leaving with us like a black cloud circulating around the mast. I think they were hitchhiking to Venice.

By the way, the Marano lagoon is not like the Venice lagoon where you aim for the middle of the entrance channel. We ran aground trying to get into Marano lagoon this way.



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4 May 2015
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There are several consideration I think I should add - as someone who kept his boat there this past year.

The best thing about Sant' Andrea is it's ability to cater to bigger boats with deep draft. I draw 11' 5" and I don't have to worry about tides or shallows - and the big travel lift will haul me out with no worries about reach. It is also extremely safe - both from weather and from a security/theft POV. But it's a working marina, not a ... residence one.

It is true that the marina is in an industrial area and you will need a car to go anywhere or get anything done. And it's doubly true that the mosquitoes are something else.

There are, by the by, several other marinas on the same river that may be an even better bet.