Mailspeed - Poor Service



Ordered a sink and a toilet from above over 2 weeks ago.
Sink arrived immediately direct from their supplier. Still waiting for toilet. Can't hold on much longer :-(
Annoying thing is I have to chase. They keep saying another week to ten days.
I'm glad to see other new suppliers appearing on YBW. Mailspeed is dropping down my list.


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22 Aug 2002
Oxford, England
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I have a rather subjecive test of whether I think delivery is slow or quick and that is whether the ordered item arrives before the credit card statement on which it appears. Obviously a certain adjustment has to be made for items ordered close to the date on which the statement is usually sent, but in the main I can say that I tend to feel quite cross if I feel I've paid before I get the goods and conversely quite pleased if the goods arrive before the bill.


I am sure Mailspeed is generally very good. The problem with them is that without carrying much stock they become very dependant upon their suppliers. I don't know if they actually carry any stock at all or just act as a broker inbetween supplier and purchaser. When the supplier lets them down Mailspeed feels the effect. However, it is quite right that they should be marked down when the supplier lets them down as they have chosen this type of business relationship with their supplier. As a web site customers should be able to see the status of their order and receives updates in a similar way to without customers chasing. At least in a chandlery store you can see the stock.


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20 Jun 2001
Not far from Uwchmynydd, near Bwlchtocyn, just up
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Mailspeed have a shop with stock, in an anonymous industrial estate in Warrington. It's like any other yacht chandlers shop, with similar shop stock levels. It's only 5 minutes from where I work, and when I last visited a couple of week's ago their stock levels were down because they had just come back from the boat show. I have always found their shop staff most helpful. I have never dealt with them mail order though, I don't have that need. Given their non-boaty location, the shop is surprisingly busy.

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23 Oct 2001
SW Ireland.
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Just placed my first order of three items the first two which have arrived(seperately) fairly fast.They seem pretty efficient with notes enclosed showing balance of order due .
If people are fussy about fast service just ask when placing order if item is ex stock or not,then decide whether to continue.


7 Jan 2003
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Had a knock on my door at 20.30 this evening and it was one of the staff from Mailspeed to deliver my gear. Apparantly he lives a few miles away and noticed my address and thought he'd drop it off on his way home. I'm happy, it saved me a trip out or postage, I guess you have to take them as you find them.
Hope the toilet arrives before it's too late!!


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28 May 2002
north east england
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I’ve always found mailspeed to be very helpful, conscientious and honest. No chandler in the world can stock everything for everyone all of the time. If you’re a control freak and need constant email updates on your order status then deal with a bigger, more expensive and probably more impersonal chandler. Personally I have no problem with picking up the phone and asking how my order’s progressing from time to time. I’ve probably bought about 3k of equipment from Mailspeed (by mail order) over the last 2 yrs. I’ve always found them a pleasure to deal with.



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16 Dec 2002
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I am only 20 mins from the shop in Warrington so will always visit, I am only surprised when you say more expensive? But to answer the first poster I am surprised you are waiting for a toilet, I drove up early in the year unannounced and collected one from stock.

I guess the boat show has emptied their toilet supply /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

<font color=blue> Julian </font color=blue>

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6 Feb 2003
Warrington, Cheshire
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I have read with great interest the replies to the initial posting made by Mr Crosby having been alerted to the matter by a customer who visited our Warrington Shop a few moments ago.

I understand that Mr Crosby has been contacted most recently this afternoon by a member of our sales team and been updated as to the reasons for the delay and having spoken with the relevant suppliers we are confident that any further disruption to Mr. Crosby's schedule is unlikely. We appreciate that of all things a toilet is perhaps not the best thing to be waiting around for!!

I am however, quite heartened by the number of our customers that felt obliged to post replies to the original posting and thank all of you for doing so. We at Mailspeed have a customer base which is now worldwide but as the reply postings have shown this is made up of a broad spectrum of customers. To many we are simply a website, to others a local chandler, to some a Boat Show exhibitor and others a mail order chandler via our catalogues and magazine advertising. Despite this we are a very "hands on" team and although we've experienced recent expansion with a new branch opening last March in Essex and a significant expansion in premises and staff at HQ in warrington we still are a modest sized "hands on team". There are the same few dedicated members of staff at the end of every email, boat show order, mail order, shop sales. catalogue request, magazine advert, web page, catalogue launch, etc, etc, etc.

We believe very strongly that this is our biggest assett and that no matter how big or small we are forced to become we hope to always keep that human element. I note one of the replies made which referred to the member of our staff which delivered by hand a customers order because he noticed that the delivery address was near to his home and hence saved the customer a trip to our shop. This was James, the same member of staff who has been handling Mr Crosby's toilet.

I hope that Mr Crosby won't mind this reply but I did feel somewhat compelled to make some comments since so many of our loyal customers took time out to do likewise.

Deleted member 478

This thread hasn't put me off buying from Mailspeed

I've always had excellent service at very competitive prices.

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7 Dec 2002
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\'Sjust arrived!

So, not too bad.


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19 Jun 2002
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speedy gonzales

Ordered lifejacket Thursday this week, arrived Friday. And even after paying postage, it was still £20 cheaper than the local chandler.