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\"Magic of the Thwachwayth\"
I've been reading the "Magic of the Swatchways" by Maurice Griffiths. Now I know some of you may believe he should be canonised along with Mother Teresa but I'm not too sure!
I've got to the bit where he is mate aboard what he describes as his "wifes" vessel "Juanita". He repeatedly refers to his "wife", "her" etc but......her name appears to be Peter! Furthermore, he says at one point that Peter went ashore to see the Harbourmaster in white flannels, blue blazer and "a cheescutter hat worn jauntily to one side". Hmmmm.
Anybody care to shed some light./forums/images/icons/smile.gif
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I've been reading the "Magic of the Swatchways" by Maurice Griffiths. Now I know some of you may believe he should be canonised along with Mother Teresa but I'm not too sure!
I've got to the bit where he is mate aboard what he describes as his "wifes" vessel "Juanita". He repeatedly refers to his "wife", "her" etc but......her name appears to be Peter! Furthermore, he says at one point that Peter went ashore to see the Harbourmaster in white flannels, blue blazer and "a cheescutter hat worn jauntily to one side". Hmmmm.
Anybody care to shed some light./forums/images/icons/smile.gif
<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=>Click for website!</A>