London Boat Show Predictions



Just wondering what your general thoughts are on the boat show next month.

Like lots of other marine companies, we have invested a huge amount of time in putting together decent displays and materials.

What do you think? Good or bad show? Would be great to hear your views....

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16 May 2001
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much better location than EC - which was cramped and over crowded with few boats and no facilities. Time will tell with the Excel show - but its a step in the right direction.

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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If you're in the marine industry, in the Uk, you gotta be there. No stand means ho hum, perhaps thiv gone bust. I hope excel will good, but fear that its location will deter all but the diehards, such as the peeps hereabouts.

I predict that the attendance won't be as high as hoped but orgainsers will claim a teensily higher/same/lower attendance has included a far higher average QUALITY of attendee. In other words, people who are gonna buy a boat and stuff anyway. NOT people who might buy a boat, or a second house, a pied a terre in london, a better car or a plane - and it's those people which shows should attract to expand the market - or even to maintain the market as the diehard boaties die off.

I thought that despite the problems, it being near Harrods, Heathrow airport, the Bluebird restaurant and Chelsea etc etc was a great "reflected coolenss" factor - far better than it being near er West Ham and Eastenders. Only problem was that the Earls Court exhib centre is only slightly less of a dump than Olympia - both need radical, radical overhaul and if they'd done that I bet the show would not have moved, ever.

Good luck tho. I hope I'm wrong.

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31 May 2001
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Numbers never go down.

I don't recall the organisers have ever announced a fall in attendance, even last year when Earls Court was sepulchral on the three occasions I visited, and exhibitors were looking for high windows from which to jump.

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11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: Numbers never go down.

The numbers always go up cos with computers, the orgainsers and their families can register themselves a zillion times over. Also, if the numbers ever went down then the registration company would get the sack. So they do it as well, I bet. But these are always seprated into "professionals".

in this way,

1. the TOTAL number goes up. That's good innit?

2 . the total of professionals goes up too. That's good as well as it's obviously a must-see show for the industry innit?

3. also the proportion of BUYERS in the non-idustry segement goes up too. Cos the maybe's can't be arsed.

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New member
9 Jul 2001
Thames - non tidal
Re: Numbers never go down.

Excel is on paper a good spot, with loads of water etc, but have you ever tried getting there. I set up a stand there on a Sunday - it took me 3 hrs to get there from the M40 side of London.

The company I work for pulled out of all shows at Excel and many of shows we used to attend have now relocated after poor attendance from the public and trade.

But the boat show is a bit different so we'll see what happens.

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Well-known member
4 Jan 2002
Brightlingsea but boat in Wivenhoe
Wouldn't it make a refreshing change if just for once a manufacturer were to tell the truth at a show? I have worked in the marine industry on three seperate occassions, twice for manufacturers and once for the media. When will manufacturers stop trying to con the public that it is the "best show ever" as we have "sold more boats at the show than ever before". Fact is that the vast majority of "sales" made at the boat show are not spur of the moment decisions, they are Mr and Mrs Boggins who have been in negotiation for several months, and have agreed to bring the cheque into the show "Oh and we will give you a family entrance ticket and buy you a spot of lunch!"

It doesn't happen today?? REALLY...

As for Excel...well, it will either be a blazing success or a dismal failure, for those of us on the East Coast it has to be a plus point...nice and easy to get to!!

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New member
9 Jul 2001
Thames - non tidal
as they say "don't believe the hype" - it's as much aimed at the public as the trade to get them at the next show.

What company would spend a shed load of money to exhibit at a failing show.

Maybe there should be just one boat show in the UK each year then all those cost savings could be passed on the the customers /forums/images/icons/wink.gif - ooops better take off the rose coloured specs I think /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

What I find ammusing is that the BMIF is richer than most of the companies it represents !


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Interesting... especially the point about the BMIF being richer.....

As a smaller exhibitor at the show, we weren't even asked if we thought that it would be a good idea. We certainly felt that the decision was influenced by the big boat builders and larger discount chandlers.

My only real thoughts are that - who the hell in January wants to be walking up and down cold, icy pontoons while it's blowing a hooley.

This will be my 15th London Boat Show and I hated Earls Court. However, even though excel will be new, better ventilated (hope to avoid the boatshow flu) and bigger overall, Excel is a disasterous move. I'm dreading it - I have to leave my nice cosy cottage in Dorset and live on a bleak, isolated quayside for ten days.... not good...

My only other point is that if the organisers kicked out the spice sellers, spa salesmen & other non-marine stands (remeber the bloody great Honda display last year??), there wouldn't have been a problem with space....

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9 Jul 2001
Thames - non tidal
Yes, I'd love a turnover of 2.9 billion - yes I said billion /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

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3 Sep 2001
N London, and boat in Suffolk
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Re: predictions? - even more rubber necks

We we never really know, since we will never see the figures, but I reckon all the profits for the exhibition company come from entrance fees paid by "rubber neck" visitors, who have no real intention of investing in the waterworld, but love a different kind of day out. Every exhibitor knows "they are out there" and spends maximum effort making sure "they" stay there away from genuine potential customers.

I feel sorry for the exhibitors now since there will be even more "rubber necks" attracted by the new venue this year than ever before!


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New member
9 Jul 2001
Thames - non tidal
Re: predictions? - even more rubber necks

As an exhibitor the Organiser should be able to provide visitor numbers, they do for all the shows I've been to, it's normally part of the pack you get when you ask about stand space.

True there are a lot of intrigued people out there but they all could be potential customers. Some companies do seem to make a positive effort in not talking to people, some of the attitudes I’ve been met with are quite offhand and I’m a boat owner ! If they worked for me, they wouldn’t last very long. And I’m sure many other managers would feel the same.

You spend thousands of pounds to be at the boat show, then look back at the effectiveness in terms of sales only to find you’ve sold nothing, got no sales leads and only a big hole in your pocket. What’s the point, don't exhibit there if you don't want to do business!

It’s a well known fact. People buy from people and if you're met with a bad attitude the business goes to some who does what it.

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30 Sep 2002
Channel Islands
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The location doesnt attract me, I have to say. I used to be able to do a day trip to Earl's Court, but I doubt that that is now possible with the extra time taken to get across London. So now I'm likely to be looking at an hotel as well, so the price goes up. Leaving aside the cost of admission, it is starting to be a very expensive option.

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New member
9 Jul 2001
Thames - non tidal
Re: Have they adopted all of the Spanish practises

Too right, try Olympia and Gmex in Manchester - just as bad /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

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11 Oct 2002
Home in Chilterns, Boat in Southampton, Another bo
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I've asked around and

We would think that this years show will be great. Nobody can afford a flop so stops will be pulled out and ways will be greased.

In the long term LIBS will most likely become a trade show. Public shows are like Christmas a bit of an irrelevance in a world where everything is available 24/7.

If you want discount chandlers, engines, books or safety equipment try the internet or the massive superstores they've all built.

If you want a charter holiday ditto.

If you want to see the new boats. Well do you really want to look around and ask questions? Or play Sardines while trying to attract a, often uninformed, salesmans eye.

We hardly go for a pint of guiness or a plastic meal.

People I know who went every year in the 70's & 80's every 4-5 years now and none of them, these are AB's in there 40's & 50's, like the way it's gone with increased fringe stands and fewer bargains. All of the young people I know only go if they've got a job on a stand.

I wouldn't go if I had to buy a ticket.

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Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire

<A target="_blank" HREF=>Check bottom half of this story</A>

<A target="_blank" HREF=>And for the definitives as issued click here</A>

The show claimed as many as 300,000-plus in its 1970s heyday and anyone who trod on the heads of other people in those days will understand that footfall was well up compared to today although I also suspect the claims in the 1970s were more exaggerated than today.

ExCel will prove more difficult to gauge again on gut instinct because it is bigger, there presumably will be less rat runs and it is also seeking to attract new areas such as canoeists, as well as making overtly warm attempts to bring in the narrowboat community.

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Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Rubber necks

No-one knows about ExCel's pull at this stage but rubbernecking at exhibitions generally is a dying sport, both in the UK and overseas. General attendance trends are down -- some of that may reveal weaknesses either in the exhibition or the subject covered but it is also simply the case that fewer people see exhibition attendance as a good day out. It also explains why some pastimes are moving towards much more event and activity-driven 'exhibitions'.

Falling attendance patterns have, in one sense, played right into the hands of exhibitors who, if they could cope with it, only need the target audience they can sell to. However, if the aisles are as quiet as all of that, it makes everyone nervous (and the stand space more expensive). It also removes the show's ability to effectively market the particular interest to a broader audience.

Tricky balance...

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16 May 2001
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Re: Rubber necks

Shows are a fragile medium. A whole bunch of factors will determine this move's success or failure. The typically British problem of not investing in commercial future, has resulted in a poor choice of venues. Virtually every German city of any size has a purpose built Exhibition, or Messe centre. London has struggled for years with Earls Court and Olympia. (Same company). The new owners of Earls Court started, a couple of years ago, radical overhauls. However it's all too easy to be wooed by modern halls in development areas, that are now less than perfect. To many who have exhibited or visited Earls Court over the years, it has become a bit like an old glove. Not perfect but comfortable. It's exhibitor friendly and visitor easy. The whole feel of Excel in January, will be pivotal to the show's future success there. Like many, I will be interested to see what its like but might wind up saying "one show is enough". I'm sure if that happened, many exhibitors would breathe a sigh of relief. Half the budget, half the disruption to their companies!

Regarding visitor quality. If that means only boaters go to the show, then it's harder for the industry to expand! Out of every 1000 Fender Kickers, there might be 10 new converts...

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