Belonging to a guild and serving an apprenticeship must have been satisfying,part of history learning the skills and being accepted in to your community.My next door neighbour when I was around 10 to 13 years old worked on a tug around London docks area. I'm not sure that I ever spoke to him, despite being very much drawn to the water, ships and boats, but having no actual involvement with them at that time. I wish now that I had been able to hear from him about his work, etc.
Belonging to a guild and serving an apprenticeship must have been satisfying,part of history learning the skills and being accepted in to your community.
Yes the Guilds looked after themselves whether it’s still true today,probably like the watermen and probably the pilotsThey were jobs (along with printing and numerous others) that, it was said back then, that you could only have any chance of getting into if your family was already in it.