Life Certificate


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22 Oct 2005
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I had same problem. Delay in getting the letter and sailing around meant I was cut off the pension and only learnt of it when it did not come up on my bank statement when checking on line. I phoned up Newcastle and told them what had happened and a kindly lady said she would put me back on but that I should return the form asap. Very reasonable, I thought. I found someone who operated a proper local business, with local chamber of commerce and the proper numbers, license etc and we quoted those numbers and returned the form, without a stamp actually. All ok and got double pension the next month.

I was worried that if I missed the deadline for returning the life certificate I would be declared dead. I would then have to go through a complicated procedure as a born again pensioner to be put back in the land of the living. New birth certificate Mother and Father etc. All to be signed off with proof of citizenship.

Wow the chance for the pension service to save some money.

" I have pleasure in informing you that you new Birth certificate has been registered with us. You will again be qualified to receive your state pension in 2084 although by then it will have been delayed further by ---- "

Thanks again Lindsay, it is a relief to know that a simple phone call would have reinstated my pension.
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Well-known member
29 Jul 2009
Winter in Falmouth, summer on board Rampage.
Slightly different tack but we have to go through this for the Dutch authorities on behalf of my mother who has a small pension arising from living there for a few years. Annual performance made simpler by getting the Dutch people to agree that the care home manager where she now lives is an 'appropriate' person to certify she is still in the land of the living.


17 Oct 2014
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If You receive any form of State Benefits, then Yes, The Danish Govenment sends you a proctology report, every year.
Then they randomly spy on you for a while, to be sure that you are living alone, or to be sure you are still limping.
It is a pain in the arse, but, it also exposes the cheats , who, since they are stealing money from the state, get longer punishments than rapists & murderers


17 Oct 2014
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I was worried that if I missed the deadline for returning the life certificate I would be declared dead. I would then have to go through a complicated procedure as a born again pensioner to be put back in the land of the living. New birth certificate Mother and Father etc. All to be signed off with proof of citizenship.

Wow the chance for the pension service to save some money.

" I have pleasure in informing you that you new Birth certificate has been registered with us. You will again be qualified to receive your state pension in 2084 although by then it will have been delayed further by ---- "

Thanks again Lindsay, it is a relief to know that a simple phone call would have reinstated my pension.

You are Lucky !
In Denmark !
If you have not ticked all the boxes,; They will just stop your pension.
You get nothing " Back Dated " !
Like you say, you only find out, when nothing goes into your account !
You lose your pension, until they receive the documents they want, then & only then, will you get re enstated.

But, As Said ! You will not be re imbursed ! Any pension outstanding, Is Lost !
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