When drying out on soft mud (spring tides leave no option where we are), should you raise your legs and expose the rams or lower your legs and submerge your props?
I've always raise mine, they don't aways sink in and then the boats wieght is sitting on the leg. Depending on where the rams are, I doubt wether the mud would get to them. If in the trailer position they should raise above the keel level and the boat wont sink into the mud much.
Always raise your leg. There is no such thing as "soft" mud. The weight of the boat on the leg will do more harm than the mud on the rams. Leaving the leg down and the boat weight can do : a) force the bellows away from their mounts - I know from personal expereince b) break the catch which clips the leg down, so that when you go in reverse the leg will kick up and c) bend the forks that hold the leg. It costs £800 for the repalcement.
Won't use them then. I have had personal costs of leaving legs down. Perhaps that's why they say that - get more money in. The effect on the rams is bugger all. I have lived on drying mooring for three years and we all keep our legs up. There is a boat in the marina thats not been out for years and has its leg up and there is no problem with the rams. The leg itself looks like a kelp bed but the rams are still fine. Its different if you are in deep water, and to be honest out of preference I would keep the leg down - but not when you dry out twice a day. Have a look next time you see boats dried out - I guranteee they will all have their legs up. The other thing we do is run the engine in forward and reverse and make a hole under the leg.
Wonder what sort of stress and strain is applied to your transom and legs when boat is just afloat and some full throttle oik goes past with your outdrives in the down position..
<hr width=100% size=1>/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif in memorium of H1.
AND AWAY IN MY B----------------- - Stop it you've got me going now. I'll be humming that song all night down the Jolly Sailor in about 20 mins/forums/images/icons/smile.gif