Wintering in Lefkas, and have a ton of work to do. Unfortunately I can't get on the hard here un March at the earliest which is a problem, but there is other stuff I can be getting on with. Unless I can find somewhere else close-by to spend a month or so on the hard.
Anyway, anyone know a good place for a materials, wood ply and other types, steel pipe etc.. . I'm guessing their isn't a huge DIY/Home store around here? Also need some fibreglass sheet, and some vinyl flooring materials amongst other things.
Also I'm told by the marina that isn't a laundry in town, is that true? At the marina it's €10 per load (wash only) and they use domestic machines with tiny drums so you have to pay for two loads instead. That's going to get expensive over 6 months.
Anyway, anyone know a good place for a materials, wood ply and other types, steel pipe etc.. . I'm guessing their isn't a huge DIY/Home store around here? Also need some fibreglass sheet, and some vinyl flooring materials amongst other things.
Also I'm told by the marina that isn't a laundry in town, is that true? At the marina it's €10 per load (wash only) and they use domestic machines with tiny drums so you have to pay for two loads instead. That's going to get expensive over 6 months.