Ah but which one do you feel you take after the most? The ones around the UK are fairly cute and cuddly, if you like grey slugs, but the elephant seal is the only animal in the world to have developed the phart into a lethal weapon, the fur seal is like a rottweiler with flippers and the Leopoard seal makes "Alien" look cute and cuddly.
Personally, I think I could improve my lifestyle and life expectancy by taking lessons from my cat.
It could be worse. I could be downwind. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'm not so sure about the cat, now I think about it. After all they must lead truly exhausting lives, considering the amount of time that they have to sleep each day.
The sexual life of the camel
Is stranger than anyone thinks.
At the height of the mating season
He tries to b****r the Sphinx.
But the Sphinx's posterior sphincter
Is clogged up with the sands of the Nile,
Which accounts for the hump on the camel,
And the Sphinx's inscrutable smile..............
For me it has to be spaniels. Never sulky, always pleased to see me, quiet, gentle, hardly any trouble at all. Not seasick, never ask whether we have got there yet, more obedient, more obliging, more intelligent than children (sorry boys, but you know its true). But always hungry!! Come to think of it, so were the boys!!