Learn Morse Code the Easy Way?


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1 Jan 2002
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Re: Morse Code, Navaids and Colregs etc

And if you get imprisoned and the guy in the next cell knows morse you can baffle the warders (unless they know morse too)

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24 Jul 2003
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Re: The Finished Article!!!

I second that advice.

When I sat the amateur test many (many /forums/images/icons/frown.gif) years ago I was in the fortunate position that I really only had the morse to learn (I majored in electronics, including radio physics). An amateur friend made me up some tapes using a keyer (computers were a bit big to fit in the house then) exactly along the lines you set out - from zilch to comfortably over 12 wpm in less than 2 months - I also used to read road signs and billboards in morse in my head, etc as part of that practice and found that really good for the sending side.

My friend did not let me off the hook after passing as to make sure it really sank in, he insisted on a morse contact every night that we were both available for the next 12 months - if one does not do that it goes. Even in that 12 months he always sent at around 20 wpm with spacing between the letters until my own speed caught up (eventually, but not any more I am sad to say).


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