Laura Dekker...........why dont they leave her alone ?


Well-known member
2 Jun 2007
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And if someone is going to make a post and seek some sort of reply, then please do not lecture me about what I can and cannot post in reply!

Why would someone do that. You have a freedom of choice. Something you seem to deny this young lady.

You seem to have got on your hobby-horse because someone does not fit into doing things the way you expect and the system dictates.


Lord High Commander of Upper Broughton and Gunthor
8 Apr 2007
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Well, dont come complaining when your neighbor decides not to educate their children and then they go on the dole.

Its the same arguement they will use as is being used here.

The reason the state says that you need to get a education is because Children are incapable of making good long term decisions, and some adults are no better.

Accusing me of getting on my hobby horse.... well.... The same thing could be said in return! In fact, "Why cant they leave her alone!!" appears to be pretty hobby horse to me.....


Lord High Commander of Upper Broughton and Gunthor
8 Apr 2007
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Who says so ... ? Oh yes, The State. How very convenient.

In a truly free society, a citizen ought to have the right NOT to be educated, at least not to the requirements of a State-imposed curriculum, in the same way as they ought not to have any State-imposed religion forced upon them.

Okee dokee. Off you go then to your socialist hippy utopia! And BTW, who makes the decision not to be educated... the 6 year old or his mother?

As opposed to what you know ? You must have had a great education ...

I know what has been communicated in the original post... I am not going to make my response based upon something outside of that information....


Active member
3 Jun 2006
South East Coast - United Kingdom
What brought this on was an interview she gave by phone to Dutch radio a couple of days ago.
She said she had abandoned her studies as she had no time for them and it didn't seem relevant any more. She also said that she would never be returning to Holland and that she wanted to sail on to New Zealand in the new year.
She's officially a resident of Goes in Zeeland.

I suppose there isn't many letters to change in the name between "Goes, Zealand" and "New Zealand"? :D

She is hoping one day to move and live at Whangarei in North Island, New Zealand. :p

Reverend Ludd

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15 May 2011
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
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So what your saying is that the education authorities should just ignore the fact she is being truant and her parents have their head in the sand......

The deal was that she would keep up her studies. And she hasnt... and her parents dont seem to give a stuff....

Where did you read the bits I have highlighted ?

I am commenting on the article... you are speculating....

...I will post according to what I read!

Can you point out my speculation please.

I have asked above where you read a couple of things.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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No, you are talking the ********s!

You don't know her or anything about her or what alternative arrangements have been made for her education. You don't know the details of what contact the father has with the education authorities, all you know is that he is reportedly refusing to attend a meeting with Truant officers.

I'm sorry but in this instance you are being an old clucking hen


State is not responsible for an individuals education. What about the many thousands of kids who constantly play truant in this country? How many of their parents are held to account? This is getting silly.


Well-known member
10 Jul 2005
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I would say that a good set of values is more useful than an education per se.

Plenty of highly educated miserable posters on here, it seems at times.
She is out there doing it. Taking some fairly serious decisions and responsible for her own life, challenge, reception back into society ..seems pretty good to me.
Wish I had left skool at 16 acshually, myself. All the good stuff is self taught, once you 'learn how to learn'.
Plenty of unemployable graduates, doley slackers, she aint gonna be in either of those groups I think!


New member
20 Jun 2011
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I'd say she's probably better educated - in things that matter - after her experience than many of us on here, good luck to her, may she never become a grumpy old git wasting her life away posting on here

Reverend Ludd

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15 May 2011
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
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I'd say she's probably better educated - in things that matter - after her experience than many of us on here, good luck to her, may she never become a grumpy old git wasting her life away posting on here

Wise words indeed.

When we had our first my wife and I discussed sailing off with it, soon to be them.
We did it again at no. 2, 3 & 4. Sadly we were too chicken to do it (big mistake), since then we have met a few kids who were educated by their parents and they have all been wonderful without exception. I can't say that about some of our friends conventionally educated kids.

Large Universities will consider applications from live-aboard kids, and what do they know :rolleyes:
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Well-known member
7 Jan 2008
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I'm with Laura

Education can be had at any time.

My one Grandad left school at 14 and made a huge success of his life: his mentor was a wealthy entrepreneur who could neither read nor write.

My other Grandad never had more than a basic education but had an extremely adventurous life - including giving the Belgians in the Congo a right old run-around before WW1 (serves the boggers right), then farmed in Zambia and ran a hotel in South Africa.

Dad missed a whole year of school when he was 14 due to some illness, left at 18 and made a success of his life. He's nearly eighty and has just got over 70% in his 3rd year assignment for his OU degree. (I am so proud of him!)

There were tens of thousands of displaced persons after the war, a great many of whose formal education was severely compromised during the conflict. I know/knew some of these people - they built successful and fulfilling lives as adults.

When Laura Dekker is ready to get herself some formal learning, she'll do it - of her own accord!


Well-known member
13 Jan 2010
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The state has a responsibility to ensure that children are educated. The parents are refusing to talk to the education authorities and she is not keeping up with her school work.

She is not located in the state which is displaying an interest so it seems to me it is none of their business. Are you saying that if someone decides to emigrate taking their family with them then the state should be able to stop them because the education system might be worse than back home ?



Well-known member
24 Sep 2003
Le Roussillon (South of France)
She is not located in the state which is displaying an interest so it seems to me it is none of their business. Are you saying that if someone decides to emigrate taking their family with them then the state should be able to stop them because the education system might be worse than back home ?



What brought this on was an interview she gave by phone to Dutch radio a couple of days ago.
She said she had abandoned her studies as she had no time for them and it didn't seem relevant any more. She also said that she would never be returning to Holland and that she wanted to sail on to New Zealand in the new year.
She's officially a resident of Goes in Zeeland.


Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
Are you guys seriously suggesting that because she is out sailing, she doesnt need any formal education???

Your faith in the education system is touching, but as someone who has spent some time at the chalk face I am of the opinion that she is probably learning more by sailing the boat than she would be studying textbooks unwillingly - on board or in school.

Any gaps in her formal education can be made up later when she is a willing volunteer rather than a reluctant draftee.

- W


23 Sep 2010
West Sussex / Hants
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If I had a daughter - or son - I'd crawl over a mile of broken glass to get them the experiences & 'alternative education' Laura is getting, compared to the standard fayre...


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26 Oct 2004
Dordrecht, The Netherlands
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She's officially a resident of Goes in Zeeland.

Actually she's not. She has formally exited the country in the sense that she has no fixed residence in Holland anymore.
This is part of the funny discussion actually as the Dutch government takes the position that because she's not a resident of Holland anymore, they will not enforce the education rules anymore.
It's only some fanatic local education authority from the area where she used to reside that thinks her or she has a case against her.

I think the whole point has been blown out of proportion by the Dutch government.
Instead trying to block her they should have made an effort in making her aware that keeping up with education is very important, even underway.
Instead they frustrated the hell out of her. Can't blame her for not returning to Holland anymore. I think it's our loss.
I read the book her grandmother wrote on this. Although it's obviously biased, it does give you a grim idea about the rigidity of authorities.

As many people have said, the experience she's gained the past time is in invaluable. The fact it doesn't come from schoolbooks bears only limited relevance.
We only came up with schoolbooks in the first place because it's an easier way to get educated then by life itself.

For me the problem it's clear that authorities have a real problem with thinking outside of their own box. I'm sure Laura will have a very nice future for herself irrespectively of her formal education.
It's not that I don't think she should have an education but there are more ways to get educated.

just my 2c.